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Scott didn't remember when exactly it happened, but at some point, Wallace had arrived and was now hugging Scott. They were both sitting on the ground, Scott crying into Wallace's shoulder.

"It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

"I feel bad for looking at her phone, maybe she was right..."

"You didn't do anything wrong. I promise."

"I don't think I'll ever feel better."

Wallace sighed and stood up.

"Let's just get you home. Then at least you won't be stuck in the cold."

Scott nodded and followed Wallace back to the car. He got in and leaned his head against the window. As they made their way back home, there was only one thought on Scott's mind.

Did I make a mistake?


Scott was lying on their mattress, the peak of the tears had passed, but he was still feeling down. Of course, Wallace was sitting right next to him, stroking his hair.

The two were sitting in silence. Scott had never felt worse. And he didn't even know why. He knew Ramona wasn't a very good person, so why did he miss her so much?

"You feeling any better?" Wallace whispered.

Scott shook his head no. He couldn't even respond verbally right now. He didn't have the energy.

"Well, I'll go make us some lunch, okay?"

Scott didn't respond.

Wallace sighed and walked off to the kitchen. He made some sandwiches for him and Scott, making sure not to put lettuce on Scott's sandwich and cutting it into triangles. He put both of their sandwiches onto a plate and grabbed a juice box for Scott.

He placed the plate on the ground next to the mattress.

"Hey, guy."

Scott didn't move, his eyes darting to look anywhere but Wallace.


Wallace pushed the plate closer, but Scott still didn't move an inch.

"You can't spend the rest of your days upset about this, life goes on. With or without you."

Wallace leaned forward and brushed Scott'a bangs out of his eyes, revealing just how teary they were.

"Just- please. One bite."

Scott turned to face the wall instead.

"I know it sucks right now but I promise this will pass. Everything does."




"Please don't ignore me."


Wallace crawled onto the mattress and lay down next to Scott. Not knowing what to do next, or if anything would even have an impact. Words can only do so much before they become meaningless.
Wallace tried to stroke Scott's hair like he had earlier because it had helped him before but, like he anticipated, he didn't get a response.

"Please just let me see your face."

Scott slowly turned, the two boys now fully facing each other.
Wallace put his hand on Scott's cheek, making him tense slightly but calming down soon after.

"And listen, if there's anything I can do to make you feel better just-"

Scott wrapped his arms around Wallace's neck.

"Just- be here for me. Don't go."

Wallace was slightly taken aback but immediately hugged him back

Wallace didn't wanna admit he kinda loved this.

He didn't wanna admit he loved him.

Sorry for the short chapter!!!! I swear I'll try to make them longer, thanks for sticking by though! I'm still figuring out how to write, this is the second book I've ever written haha

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