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Scott was woken up by Wallace shaking him.

"Scott get up!"


"I told you we were gonna go skating today!"

"But it's too earlyyy. Five more minutes?"

"It's 12."

"Like I said. Too early."

Wallace grabbed Scott's hand and pulled him to his feet. Or tried to. Scott quickly fell forward, of course Wallace caught him, but now he didn't want to move.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah."



"You can get off now."

"No thanks."


Scott was leaning on Wallace for support, his arms wrapped around his neck. They stayed like that until Scott was awake enough to realize what he was doing and backed off.

"Uh- anyway, what do you wear to a skating place?"

"An ice rink?"

"Okay whatever. What do I wear?"

"I'd something warm."

"That does not help but ok."

"You're in a mood today."

"Well my girlfriend just broke up with me. So."

"I know but-"
Wallace sighed and grabbed his jacket.

"I'll wait in the car."


Wallace walked to his car and got into the driver's seat, Instantly regretting this whole hangout. If Scott was going to be like this all day, was it really worth it? Then again, it's Scott. It's always worth it in Wallace's eyes.

After what seemed like an eternity and a half, Scott finally got done changing and got into the passenger seat. He rested his head against the window.

"How far is it?"


Wallace took his phone out and placed it in a phone holder. He opened the GPS app and looked up the place.

"Like 40 minutes away."

"Do we really have to go?"

"You know that if I didn't make you go out you'd just sit and rot in our bed."

"Is that so bad?"



Wallace starts making his way to the rink, Scott closes his eyes and tries to get some more rest before they get there.


They had arrived at the rink, and Scott was unsuccessful in his mission to get more sleep. Wallace got out of the car and opened the door for him. Scott hesitantly stepped out and followed.

"Are you excited?"

"Kinda, I'm more nervous."

"Fair enough."

They both head inside the building.

"What do we do now?"

"We have to go up to the counter and get some skates."


Wallace went up to the attendant.

"Yeah, can I get two pairs, size 8."

Wallace thanked the employee and handed some skates to Scott, he led him over to the rink and helped him put his skates on.

"Come on!"

"I can barely stand!" Scott was desperately clutching onto the railing.

"Dude you're shaking so bad!"

"Well excuse me for being scared! I have blades attached to my feet!"

"It's not that bad, here."

Wallace grabbed Scott's hands.

"Is this better?"

"Kinda? Just don't let me fall in front of all these people please."

"No promises."

Wallace laughed as Scott groaned. He gently led Scott across the rink.

"Do you feel any more confident?"

"I think."

"That's good." He smiled.

"Why'd you want to take me here anyway?"

"I like skating, and I thought maybe you'd like it too. In hindsight, I shouldn't have taken you here but it sounded fun in the moment."

"I mean it's alright- I just wish I knew how to skate 'cause now you aren't able to have fun since you have to teach me!"

"Don't worry about it guy. I knew what I was in for when I took you here."

"Thanks, Wallace."

"No problem."


Did he really know?


Hi guys!! Thank you so much for all the love for my book, I'm so glad you enjoy it! I promise it'll get really good soon!!!!!

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