The King's last stand

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Kim Taehyung, the prince of Kim Dynasty, was known throughout the kingdom for his carefree and playful nature. He could often be found laughing and jumping around with his friends, his carefree spirit infectious to all who crossed his path. Taehyung was a clumsy person, always tripping over his own feet or bumping into things, but he never let it dampen his jovial spirit.

Despite his carefree demeanor, Taehyung was a mama's boy through and through. He always listened to his mother, the queen, and valued her advice above all else. His mother adored him, seeing the pure and kind heart that lay beneath his playful exterior. Taehyung's older brother, on the other hand, harbored resentment towards him. The prince's brother was envious of the attention and love their mother showered upon Taehyung, leading to a strained relationship between the two.

Despite his brother's animosity, Taehyung never stopped showing love towards him. He tried to bond with his brother, offering his help and companionship, but to no avail. However, Taehyung's compassionate nature extended beyond his family. He was loved by all in the kingdom for his helpfulness and kindness. Whether it was assisting the elderly, playing with the village children, or aiding the kingdom's servants, Taehyung was always eager to lend a helping hand.

 One day , The sun beat down on the castle grounds as Prince Taehyung stood alone at the center of the tug of war field. 

Ten burly boys from the nearby village laughed and jeered, casting doubts on his ability to win without using brute strength. "You're just the king's son, ya know? Can't win this alone!" one of the boys shouted, a sneer on his face. But Taehyung remained calm, a mischievous glint in his eye. With a small smile, he took a step forward, confidently gripping the rope. 

As the referee blew the whistle, the boys pulled with all their might, their muscles straining against the tough fibers. Taehyung, however, didn't budge an inch. He focused on shifting his weight and using his mind rather than his muscles. 

Slowly but surely, he maneuvered the rope, throwing off the boys' balance until, with a swift move and a playful wink, he sent them tumbling to the ground. The crowd gasped in disbelief, then erupted into cheers and applause. Amidst the chaos, Taehyung blew a kiss to the defeated boys, a victorious smirk on his face as he basked in the adoration of the crowd.

Taehyung stood before the great crowd, his chest heaving with exertion, his golden eyes shining with triumph. The crowd roared his name, their adoration filling the air.  But there was something else...

A young maid, dressed in the finest of silks, darted through the throng of people. Her steps were hurried, her breath coming in ragged gasps. When she finally reached Taehyung, she fell to her knees, her face flushed with emotion. "My lord," she gasped, "I must inform you of the news... your father, the king, has fallen ill."

Taehyung's heart stopped. His vision blurred, and the roar of the crowd faded away to nothing. He felt as if he were floating, detached from his own body. "What did you say?" he managed to croak.

The maid looked up at him, her eyes wide with fear. "Forgive me, my lord, but your father... he has taken a turn for the worse. The royal physicians say there is nothing more they can do."

Taehyung's legs gave way, and he collapsed to the marble floor, his sword clattering beside him. He didn't remember running, didn't remember the corridors or the anguished cries that filled the air. All he could see were his mother's tear-streaked face and his brother's pale, terrified expression. They clung to each other, their world crumbling around them.

He didn't know what to do. He wanted to be strong for them, but he felt like his own heart had been torn from his chest. He crawled toward them on shaking knees, his heart aching with a pain he had never known before. "Mother," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the keening of the wind, "it's me."

She looked up at him, her red-rimmed eyes filled with despair. "Taehyung... your father..." she choked out. And then she nodded, her face a mask of grief.

Taehyung felt his world spinning out of control. He wanted to hold on to something, anything, but there was nothing. No comfort, no solace. Just the endless void that stretched before him. He reached out to touch his brother's hand, but it was as if he were reaching for a ghost. His brother was already gone, lost in the endless sea of his own sorrow.

And then, like a whisper on the wind, a voice called out to him. A voice that was both familiar and strange, full of wisdom and strength. It told him that he was not alone, that there was still hope. That even in the darkest of times, there was always a glimmer of light to be found.

But for now, all Taehyung could do was sit with his family in their grief. To hold them as they wept, and to let them hold him as he tried to make sense of the world that had been torn apart before his eyes. And as the night wore on, he clung to the hope that somehow, someway, they would find a way to put their lives back together again.

Because in this kingdom, where everything had changed, there was still one thing that remained constant: the love that bound them together. And as long as they had that, there was nothing they could not overcome.

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