I'll fight for you

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As Taehyung made his way to the carriage, his mother, Queen Kim Hyeen, intercepted him with a questioning gaze. "Why is Commander Jungkook accompanying you, my son?" she inquired, her eyes filled with concern.

Taehyung, ever the quick thinker, replied smoothly, "For my protection, mother. His skills are unmatched in the kingdom." The queen nodded in understanding but then surprised Taehyung by saying, "Sehun will also be joining you on this journey."

"Why Sehun?" Taehyung asked, bewildered by his mother's decision.
Queen Kim Hyeen fixed him with a stern look. "He is your elder brother, Taehyung, and my word is final. He shall accompany you to ensure everything goes according to plan."

As the three men settled into the carriage, the horses' hooves thundered against the cobblestone road, carrying them further and further from the castle. King Taehyung gazed out the window, watching the scenery blur past in a dizzying array of greens and browns. He couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation as he prepared to confront the princess and deny her his hand in marriage.

Commander Jungkook sat opposite him, his eyes focused and attentive, ready to protect the king at a moment's notice.Taehyung couldn't ignore the undercurrent of tension in the air, with Sehun sitting so close, his eyes lingering on Jungkook with an intensity that was palpable.

Sehun's eyes narrowed. "I know," he said coldly. "So that you spend you entire time staring at your lover and maybe doing dirty deeds when you are bored?"

Jungkook's jaw clenched, but he remained silent, his eyes never leaving the horizon. Taehyung felt a surge of protectiveness towards his love. "Jungkook is not my source of entertainment Sehun," he said firmly. "He's my love and my life. My love is not like yours. Our love is pure"

Sehun scoffed. "Well let us see how long your pure love will last taehyung. Maybe one month more?"

The carriage jolted as it hit a rut in the road, jarring the three men. Taehyung turned to his brother, his expression serious. "Sehun, this is not the time for us to argue. We have a duty to fulfill, and we must do so together."

Sehun leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest. "Fine," he said through gritted teeth. "But know this: Jungkook may be your protector today, but when it comes to matters of the heart, I will not stand aside so easily."

The rest of the journey was spent in a tense silence, broken only by the rhythmic pounding of the horses' hooves and the occasional creak of the carriage. Taehyung felt a knot form in his stomach as he thought about the confrontation that lay ahead. Not only would he be rejecting the union that had been arranged for him, but he would also be putting a strain on the delicate balance of power within the kingdom..

As they approached the castle of the neighboring kingdom, Taehyung could see the banners fluttering in the breeze, announcing their arrival. The castle loomed large and foreboding, its ancient stones a stark reminder of the seriousness of their mission. Jungkook's hand rested on the hilt of his sword, a silent promise of protection.

When they were finally ushered into the throne room, the princess sat upon her throne, a picture of beauty and grace. But as Taehyung looked into her eyes, he saw the steel beneath the surface, the same determination that he knew lay in his own heart. He took a deep breath and began to speak, his voice clear and strong.

"Your Highness," he said, "I come before you with a heavy heart. I must decline your proposal of marriage. It is not out of disrespect for you or your family, but rather a matter of personal conviction. I cannot enter into a union that is not based on love and mutual respect."

The room grew still, the only sound the crackling of the fire in the hearth. The princess's expression remained unchanged, but Taehyung could sense the fury building behind her calm facade. Jungkook shifted slightly, his hand tightening on the sword. Sehun, on the other hand, watched the scene unfold with a smug smile, as if he had known all along that this would be the outcome.

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