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Haerin was told to go buy groceries

Minji: Hanni, have you written down everything we need?

Hanni: uh-huh *gives Haerin a piece of paper*

Haerin: *reading*...*confused face*...

Bbangsaz: Why? Is there something wrong?

Haerin: *looks at Hanni* This is for me?

Hanni: huh? Yes? Why are you turning your face away?

Hyein, suddenly came: *grabs the paper* Who wrote this?

Hanni: me. *realizes something* oh shoot!

Hyein: "list of cute things:
- you
- also you
- hey look you
- and you
- wait wait wait
- you
- you're cute"

Minji: ??...

Hanni: umm... I can explain

Minji: I should have just told Dani to write it

Hanni: *gives a sticky note* This is the grocery list, I intended to give the paper to Haerin later but I messed it up *looks at Haerin who's turning red*

Hanni: *blushes because the younger looks cute, adorable, beautiful, loveable, and all the words for cuteness*

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