Chapter 7

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Scene Starts From The 'A' Mansion. Akshu Prepared Dinner And Called Everyone Down. She Kept The Dinner At Kitchen Itself. Abhi, Abhir, Aaira, Tina And Karan Came Down. Kairav And Muskaan Were Also There.

Abhi:- Akshu Jaan, Where Is The Dinner?

Akshu:- I Kept It In Kitchen Itself. I Will Go And Bring It.

Aaira:- Mumma, Let's Talk For Sometimes And Then Let's Start Eating.

Everyone Sat On The Dining Table.

Akshu:- Bhaiya, How Was Your Business Trip To Delhi?

Kairav:- It Was Good. I Brought Gifts For Everyone.

Kairav Went And Brought The Gifts He Brought For Everyone. He Gave It To Them All. Everyone Loved The Gift. Only One Gift Was Remaining.

Karan:- Whose Gift Is It, Papa?

Kairav:- It's For Rohit.

Muskaan:- Bhabhi, When Will Rohit Come?

Akshu:- He Will Come Tomorrow Or Day After Tomorrow.

Tina:- We Miss Him So Much.

Abhir:- Me And Rohit Use To Go Walk Together Early In The Morning. I Had Been 2 Weeks Since I Have Gone To Walk. I Miss That Idiot Very Much.

Karan:- Me Too, Abhir Bhai. He Use To Teach Me Maths. I Miss Him.

Abhi:- Even I Too Miss Him So So Much. He Is My Son.

Suddenly, Some Smoke Comes There.

Kairav:- What's Happening Here?

Suddenly, They Saw A Man In The Smoke. But, They Couldn't See His Face.

Abhi:- Who Is There?

Rohit:- It's Me, Papa.

Rohit Steps Out Of The Smoke.

Everyone Except Akshu And Aaira:- Rohit.

The Smoke Vanishes.

Abhir, Tina And Karan Runs And Hugs Rohit Tightly.

Abhir:- When Did You Come Back?

Rohit:- Afternoon Only.

Tina:- Then, Why Didn't You Meet Us?

Rohit:- I Want To Suprise You All.

Karan:- We Love This Suprise.

Then, Rohit Goes Towards Abhi. Abhi Hugs Rohit.

Abhi:- I Missed You So Much, Champ.

Rohit:- Even I Missed You So Much, Papa.

Then, Rohit Hugs Muskaan And Kairav. Kairav Gives Rohit His Gift.

Abhi:- Akshu Jaan, Do You Know About This?

Akshu:- Yes. Even Aaira To Knows About This.

Abhi:- Sunshine, Why Did You Tell Me About This?

Aaira:- Bhai Wanted To Suprise You Guys. So, Only.

Abhi:- Okay.

Akshu:- I Was So Happy That My Son Is Back. I Love My Three Sons Very Much.

Akshu Hugs Abhir, Rohit And Karan. They Four Shared A Group Hug.

Abhi:- I Too Love My Daughters So Much.

Abhi Hugs Aaira And Tina.

Abhi:- I Love My Sunshine, Doll And Princess.

Everyone Became Sad Remembering Roohi. Rohit Deviates The Topic.

Rohit:- I Am Very Hungry. Can We Start Eating?

Aaira, Abhir, Tina And Karan:- We Too.

Akshu Brought The Dishes And Everyone Started Eating.

Rohit(In Mind):- Thank God. I Deviated The Topic. Otherwise Everyone Would Have Been Upset.

Note:- Rohit Knows About Akshu's Past, But Doesn't Know That It's Goenkas Who Hurted Akshu. He Knows That Abhi's Princess Name Is Roohi. He Thought It Is Some Other Roohi.

Abhir:- Rohit, We All Thought You Will Come Day After Tomorrow Only.

Rohit:- Yah. Actually, Me And My Cousin Gang Have Planned To Celebrate Dadisa's Birthday In Mussoorie.

All Except Akshu And Aaira:- It's A Very Good News.

Abhi:- When Are They Coming?

Rohit:- They Will Come Tomorrow Morning Or At Noon.

Muskaan:- But, Time Is Very Less For Doing The Arrangements.

Aaira:- No ,Bua. We Have Done The Welcome Arrangements.

Rohit:- Tomorrow Morning Before They Come, Me, Doll, Buttercup, Karan Will Go And Do The Birthday Arrangements.

Tina:- Okay, Bhai. Anyways It's Sunday Tomorrow.

Karan:- Do You Have Some Idea For The Decoration.

Rohit and Aaira Tells Their Plan.

Abhir:- It's A Good Idea. I Have To Go To Hospital Tomorrow, I Will Come And Help You Guys In Evening.

Abhi:- I Have Lot Of Surgeries Tomorrow. So, I Can't Meet Dadisa Tomorrow.

Akshu:- Even, Me Too.

Kairav And Muskaan:- We Also.

Rohit:- No Problem.

Later, Everyone Went To Their Respective Rooms To Sleep. Kairav, Muskaan, Tina And Karan Went To Their Mansion To Sleep.

Precap:- Poddars And Goenkas At NAS Resort.

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