Chapter 25

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Luv:- How Can She Do Like This? She Tried To Break Our Happy Family.

Kush:- She Is Not Our Mother. She Is No One To Us. She Needs To Be Punished.

Akshu:- No. Let's Leave This Matter Here Itself. Our Focus Should Be Only On Roohi And Rohit's Marriage.

Everyone Nodded.

Manjari:- Wow, Akshara. You Have Wrapped Everyone In Your Hands. Everyone Is Obeying Your Words.

Naitik:- She Is The First Daughter Of The 3rd Generation Of Maheshwaries And 2nd Generation Of Singhanias.

Naksh:- She Is Our Naira's Last Connection.

Luv:- We Will Do Whatever She Asks For.

Kush:- We Were Not There With Her When She Grown Up.

Anika:- And Don't You Dare Say Anything About Her.

Tara:- We Won't Let You Manipulate Our Kids.

Aashita:- Even Though How Much You Try, Our Kids Won't Get Manipulated By Your Words.

Abhi:- Get Out Of Our House.

Manjari:- Abhi..

Abhi:- I Already Told You That You Can't Call Me As Abhi.

Manjari:- It's My Granddaughter's Wedding. I Have Rights To Be There In Her Wedding.

Roohi:- You Don't Have Any Rights On Me. You Are No One To Me. You Are Not Allowed To Attend My Wedding.

Manjari:- Roohi..

Roohi:- Stup Up. Don't Call Me As Roohi. You Are No One To Me.

Naitik:- Leave Our House. We Don't Want You To Be Here For A Second Also.

Manjari Goes To Her Room And Comes Down With Her Bags. Manjari Goes Out Of The House.

Shiv:- How Did You Guys Found Out Her True Intention?

Aaira:- She Came To My Room And Started Manipulating Me By Her Words. But, We Know About Our Family And Her Also Very Well.

Tina:- Then, Aaira Came To My Room. I Told Her About Manjari's Manipulation. Aaira Told That She Did The Same To Her.

Roohi:- Then, They Told Us Everything What Manjari Said.

Ishita:- So, We Went To Her Room And Saw Her Talking To Someone.

Karan:- We Recorded It And Found Out About Her Plan.

Abhir:- We Were Very Suspicious Of Her Since She Came To Stay With Us.

Ayush:- We Are Proud Of You Guys.

Naitik, Abhir, Roohi, Aaira, Tina, Karan, Ishita, Shivika And Rashi Shares A Group Hug.

Later, They Told Poddars About Manjari's True Intentions. They Were Very Angry On Manjari. But, Let Go Off It As Roohi And Rohit's Tilak Was On The Next Day.

Precap:- Roohi And Rohit's Tilak

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