Chapter 13

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You exchange a knowing glance with Lucius and then look back at Severus. "We had to engage in a very long conversation," you say with a wink.

Severus's eyebrows lift in amusement, and he steps closer. "It's about time," he replies, his tone warm and approving.

Lucius sets the bag down and moves to join you, his arm wrapping around your waist. "It was necessary," he adds, giving Severus a meaningful look.

Severus takes the sleeping baby from your arms with practiced ease, placing a tender kiss on Baron's forehead. "I'll put him in his crib," he says softly. You and Lucius nod, watching as Severus carries Baron upstairs.

Once Severus is out of sight, Lucius takes your hand, leading you to the master bathroom. The two of you begin to disrobe, the day's tension slowly melting away with each discarded piece of clothing. The anticipation of the shower ahead adds a sense of intimacy to the moment.

Lucius's eyes roam over your body appreciatively as he removes his shirt. "You look beautiful," he murmurs, his gaze lingering on your sun-kissed skin.

Before you can respond, Severus returns, his dark eyes locking onto yours as he starts to strip. "I couldn't wait to join you," he says, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

You step into the shower first, feeling the warm water cascade over your tired muscles. Lucius follows, his hands gently massaging your shoulders as the steam rises around you. Moments later, Severus joins, the three of you standing close under the soothing spray.

Severus's hands glide over your skin, his touch gentle yet firm. "You both have lovely tans," he observes, his eyes filled with admiration. "The sun did you good."

Lucius's hands slide down your sides, his fingers tracing the lines of your tan. "Absolutely stunning," he agrees, his voice filled with a mix of desire and tenderness.

You smile, feeling their love and appreciation wash over you along with the water. "Thank you," you say softly, leaning into their touches.

Severus kisses your neck, his lips lingering on your damp skin. "You always look beautiful, but there's something special about seeing you like this, so relaxed and happy."

Lucius's hands move gently over your body, his touch both soothing and affectionate. "We love seeing you like this," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple. "You deserve to feel this good."

The warmth of their touches and the gentle caress of their words fill you with a deep sense of contentment. They continue to love on you sweetly, their hands brushing through your hair, massaging your tired muscles, and tracing the lines of your tan.

Lucius's hands move gently over your body, his touch soft and soothing. "You truly are stunning," he adds, his fingers tracing the lines of your tan.

As the warm water continues to cascade over you, Severus and Lucius take their time, washing away the day's sweat and sand with loving care. Their hands move slowly, caressing your skin with gentle, intimate touches.

"You must be exhausted," Severus says softly, noticing the way your eyelids droop.

Lucius nods, his eyes filled with concern. "Let's get you to bed," he agrees, turning off the shower.

They help you out of the shower, wrapping you in a soft towel and gently patting you dry. Severus takes your hand, leading you to the bedroom while Lucius fetches a clean white cotton t-shirt of his own and panties from the dresser.

Severus sits you down on the edge of the bed, his fingers running through your damp hair, brushing it back with tender care. "Perfect little, Princess," he whispers, his touch soothing and gentle.

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