Chapter 38

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Discovering the Mirror of Erised

You: Age 14

It was a cold winter night at Hogwarts. The castle was draped in a blanket of silence, with only the occasional creak of ancient wood or the whisper of the wind against stone walls to keep it company.

The students were supposed to be in their dormitories, fast asleep, but you found yourself wandering the dimly lit corridors, unable to rest.

Clutching your wand for light, you walked with a sense of purpose, though you didn't quite know where you were headed.

The halls of Hogwarts were a maze, each twist and turn leading to a new mystery or forgotten secret. Tonight, it seemed, was no different.

As you turned a corner near the Charms classroom, you noticed a faint glow emanating from a partially open door at the end of the corridor.

Curiosity piqued, Y/N approached cautiously, pushing the door open to reveal a long-forgotten room filled with dusty old desks and shelves of neglected books.

In the center of the room stood an ornate, full-length mirror. Its frame was gilded with intricate designs, and at the top, inscribed in flowing script, were the words "Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi." You read the inscription aloud, her voice echoing softly in the empty room, but the words made no sense.

Intrigued, you stepped closer to the mirror, her breath misting the cold air. As you stood before it, the reflection that stared back at you was not the one you expected. Instead of your current self, you saw an older, more composed version of yourself.

This version of you looked to be in her mid-twenties. Your eyes, once filled with anxiety and uncertainty, now shone with confidence and peace.

Your hair was styled neatly, and your wore clothes that exuded elegance and sophistication. There was a gentle smile on your lips, one that spoke of contentment and inner harmony.

Behind this older you was a large, cozy study filled with bookshelves and art supplies.

The walls were adorned with framed pieces of her artwork, each one a testament to her talent and creativity.

On a wooden desk near the window lay several open books and manuscripts, indicating your success as an accomplished author.

You could see herself sitting at the desk, quill in hand, as you penned what appeared to be another best-selling novel.

A nearby easel held a half-finished painting, vibrant and full of life, capturing the beauty of the world as seen through her eyes.

As you watched, your future self-looked up from her work, meeting your gaze through the mirror.

There was a moment of connection, as if the mirror version of yourself was aware of your presence and wanted to convey a message of hope.

This was a version of yourself that had overcome the struggles you currently faced. The reflection showed a woman who had found her place in the world, who was loved and respected for her talents.

You felt a lump form in your throat as you took in the scene. This vision of your future self was everything you dreamed of being.

An author whose words moved hearts, an artist whose creations inspired others, and most importantly, someone who had found peace within herself.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you realized the depth of her longing for this future.

The mental health struggles that plagued you now seemed a distant memory in the face of this beautiful, accomplished woman.

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