Chapter 14

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Lucius arrives home, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He's carrying a sleek, black box adorned with intricate, shimmering runes. You and Severus look up from your cozy spot in the living room, curiosity piqued.

"What have you got there, Lucius?" you ask, eyeing the box with interest.

Lucius sets the box down on the coffee table, opening it with a flourish to reveal three elegant spellphones. "These, my dear, are spellphones. The latest in magical communication. I thought it would be useful for us to stay in better contact once the school year starts."

Severus raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Spellphones? I've heard of them, but I've never seen one up close."

Lucius hands each of you a spellphone, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "They're quite extraordinary. We can send messages, share images, and even flirt from afar," he adds with a playful wink in your direction.

You take the spellphone hesitantly, turning it over in your hands. "I don't know, Lucius. It feels like it might be a way for you two to keep tighter tabs on me."

Lucius places a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "It's not about keeping tabs, love. It's about staying connected, especially when we're apart. Here, let me show you something."

He takes your spellphone and taps a few times on the screen. "You can download music onto it. Imagine having your favorite songs with you wherever you go."

Your eyes widen in surprise as Lucius demonstrates, quickly downloading a few of your favorite tracks. The spellphone emits a soft glow, and you can hear the first few notes of a familiar tune. "That's... actually really lovely."

Severus leans over, intrigued by the demonstration. "And what else can it do?"

Lucius grins, showing you both how to send enchanted messages that appear as sparkling text in the air, and how to capture moments with the spellphone's crystal-clear camera. "And for those times when we need to be apart, you can send us little reminders of yourself," he adds with a teasing glint in his eye.

You laugh, feeling your initial hesitation melt away. "Alright, alright. I can see how this could be fun. But I'm warning you both, no excessive flirting while I'm trying to work."

Severus smirks, already exploring his spellphone's features. "No promises, Princess."

Lucius leans in to kiss your forehead. "We just want to make sure you know how much we adore you, no matter where we are."

You smile, finally conceding, "I suppose I can live with that. Thank you, Daddy."

As the evening progresses, the three of you delve deeper into the spellphones' capabilities, laughing and teasing each other. You realize that these magical devices are more than just a means of communication; they're a new way to share your lives, even when distance separates you.

Group Chat: Lucius, Severus, and You

Lucius (Ministry Office):

8:30 AM: Good morning, loves. How are my favorite people doing today?

You (Home with the Twins and Baron):

8:32 AM: Morning, Daddy! We're good.. How's work?

Severus (Hogwarts Office):

8:35 AM: Morning, both. Busy here at Hogwarts, sending out letters to new students. The office is a mess, but it's all under control. How are the little ones?


8:37 AM: Work is as tedious as ever, but thinking of you all makes it bearable. How's my little Baron? Still attached to Mama?

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