Chapter 32

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After a passionate and intense quickie in your bedroom, you lay nestled between Severus and Lucius, feeling the comforting weight of their arms around you. 

The lingering warmth of their touch and the rush of your intense session left you breathless, but the serious expressions on their faces told you there was more to discuss.

Severus was the first to break the silence, his voice low and resolute. "We need to talk about Julian."

You nodded, sensing the gravity in his tone. "What about him?"

Lucius's hand gently caressed your arm as he spoke. "We don't want you alone with him, Princess. Not yet, at least."

You looked between them, understanding their concern but feeling a twinge of frustration. "Why not? He's just being friendly."

Severus's eyes met yours, his gaze unwavering. "It's not about him being friendly. After everything that happened with Mr. Hargreaves, can you blame us? This is how it's going to be for now."

Lucius nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "For now, we want your conversations to remain in text. This way, we can monitor the situation and ensure nothing inappropriate happens."

You sighed, appreciating their protectiveness but also feeling the weight of their restrictions. "I understand. I just don't want to feel like I'm under constant surveillance."

Severus's eyes darkened slightly, his hand tightening on your waist. "But you are, Princess. There is no reason for you to hide these things from us."

Lucius's expression mirrored Severus's intensity, his voice low and commanding. "You belong to us, little bird. Every part of you. We need to ensure your safety and well-being at all times. That's Daddies job."

You felt a shiver run through you at their possessiveness, a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I know, and I appreciate it. But it's hard not to feel like I'm being watched all the time."

Severus's hand moved to your cheek, his touch both firm and gentle. "We watch because we care, because we love you. Our priority is to protect you, even from things you might not see as threats."

Lucius leaned in, his lips brushing your ear. "And remember, this is temporary. Once we're sure he poses no risk, interactions can be less restricted."

You nodded, feeling a sense of resignation mixed with gratitude. "Okay, I'll keep it to texts for now. "

Severus kissed your temple, his voice filled with love and authority. "It's not that we don't trust you, Princess. We do, without question. But we also know the world can be dangerous, and we refuse to take any chances with your safety."

Lucius's fingers traced gentle patterns on your skin. "Your Daddies are not going to stop taking care of you just because your opinion on the matter differs from ours. We are going to do what needs to be done."

You sighed, accepting their care. "I understand. Let's get dressed then; the Great Feast and Sorting Ceremony await. I want to see the first years arrive in the boats."

Severus and Lucius exchanged a look before Severus spoke up. "What dress shall our Princess wear tonight, Lucius?"

Lucius's eyes sparkled with inspiration. "What do you think of the new long floral peach-colored dress? It will complement your warm tanned skin beautifully."

Your eyes widened with excitement. "Yes! I've been wanting to wear that one. I hope I look a bit like a woodland fairy in that dress!"

Severus smiled, clearly pleased by your enthusiasm. "A woodland fairy, indeed. Let's get you dressed."

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