Chapter 36

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The days following the egregore incident were marked by a gentle, reassuring rhythm. Severus and Lucius became your pillars of support, their presence a balm for your frayed nerves.

Despite the demands of teaching at Hogwarts, they ensured that you had the time and space to heal.

Mornings began early in your chambers at Hogwarts, where Severus would often join you for a quiet walk around the castle grounds before the day began.

The cool morning air and the serene beauty of the castle at dawn helped center you, preparing you for the challenges ahead.

During the day, you found solace in your work. Teaching potions provided a structured routine, and the familiar environment of the classroom became a sanctuary.

Your students, oblivious to your inner turmoil, were a welcome distraction, their enthusiasm and curiosity reminding you of the joys of your profession.

Afternoons were spent in quiet activities with the children whenever you could. On weekends, you would return to the house by the loch, where the laughter of Charlie, Stevie, and baby Baron filled the air.

Lucius, with his effortless charm, made even mundane tasks like baking feel magical, the kitchen filled with the comforting scents of freshly baked bread and sweet pastries.

Evenings at Hogwarts were reserved for open conversations with Severus and Lucius, who would set aside time to check in with you. They encouraged you to share your thoughts and fears, creating a space free of judgment. The act of speaking your truths aloud, of feeling heard and understood, began to chip away at the walls of anxiety that had built up within you.


By October, the healing process took on a more structured form. You found a magical counselor, a kind witch with a gentle demeanor and a deep understanding of stress and anxiety. Her office, far from the sterile, intimidating environment you feared, was warm and inviting, filled with soft light and the scent of lavender.

Sessions with her became a refuge, a place to explore your emotions and fears. She taught you coping strategies and introduced you to healing charms and potions that calmed your mind. Each visit left you feeling lighter, more in control.

At Hogwarts, you delved into magical practices that supported your mental well-being. Potion brewing, once a mere professional task, transformed into a meditative activity.

The process of selecting ingredients, of measuring and mixing, became a ritual that brought peace and focus. You also began keeping an enchanted journal, its pages absorbing your worries and locking them away with gentle spells.

Weekends continued to be a highlight. You, Severus, Lucius, and the children would explore the grounds, have picnics by the loch, and indulge in simple, joyful activities. These moments, filled with laughter and love, were a potent reminder of the strength and support that surrounded you.


With November came the deepening of bonds. The connection between you, Severus, and Lucius grew stronger, the shared experiences creating a tapestry of understanding and trust. Intimate moments—whether through shared baths or passionate nights—reaffirmed your love and commitment to each other.

As the air turned colder, you began preparing for the holidays. The house transformed, adorned with festive decorations. The scent of spices and baking filled the air, and the children's excitement was palpable. Together, you made handmade ornaments, your laughter mingling with the crackling of the fire.

You noticed significant improvements in your mental health. The whispers that once haunted you faded into silence, replaced by a growing sense of confidence and peace.

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