"I am not!"

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Hiii lovelies!
How are you all?

"No, those are for the garden, Cranberry!," Jamie instructed, just as Cassidy had finished hanging the balloons.

The brunette just about deflated like a balloon at his words and his nickname. Awful.

She grumbled something under her breath, beginning to untie all of her hard work. It was almost harder than putting them all up in the first place.

"You couldn't have, I don't know... told me that 30 minutes ago!?," Cassidy grumbled but received a warning glare in response.

Jamie had become a party monster. He needed the place to be perfect, and unfortunately Cassidy being his best friend, was forced to help him accomplish that.

She wasn't complaining though, she'd do anything for her idiotic best friend, even if sometimes he could be very bossy.

Somehow the man had convinced his parents to go out for the night and let him throw the party at their house. To be fair, it was the perfect place for a birthday.

They had a huge terrace, pool, spa and an outdoor bar. Cassidy's personal favourite part of their back garden though, was the pergola towards the side.

Anytime she'd been there for dinner with Jamie's parents, she always begged to eat out there under the vines. She'd even written some of her songs from her first love album out there.

It was one of her favourite spots to think, daydream, gaze and relax all at once.

She tied a couple balloons around each of the wooden beams holding it up. It took a bit longer than you'd assume considering they kept popping and making her squeal.

Jamie took a couple videos of her attempts, finding her fear to the loud sounds absolutely hilarious.

Except most of them got ruined by Cassidy's middle finger blocking the camera. Some might say that made the videos even funnier though.

Together, Jamie and Cassidy managed to decorate the whole house including the backyard with balloons, streamers and banners. Not to be arrogant, but they both agreed it was perfect.

Everywhere just screamed Jamie.

Cassidy even littered party poppers throughout the whole house. Soon it would be covered in confetti too. Jamie's parents would most definitely kill them but that was laters problem.

The only goal for Jamie that night, was to have the best 32nd birthday ever!

"Alright! I think we are done," Jamie exclaimed, flopping back onto his parents lovesac with a yawn. "Finally!"

Cassidy fell on top of him, resting the back of her hand on her forehead and sighing heavily.

"Thank fuck," Cassidy muttered, "My hands are cramping from tying everything up."

Jamie squirmed beneath the brunette, trying to push her off of him. As a last resort her tickled her side causing her to jolt off of him and onto the floor.

She folded her arms and looked at him grumpily.

"Sorry," Jamie shrugged, "Couldn't breathe."

Cassidy gasped, placing a hand to her chest in mock offence.

"What are you trying to say?!," the brunette scoffed, "Don't tell me Halton got to you too?!"

Jamie rolled his eyes at her, a soft chuckle escaping his chest. He squeezed Cassidy's cheeks between his hands.

"I would never listen to anyone calling you anything but the sweetest, funniest and prettiest human in the world," Jamie clarified, though he knew Cassidy was only joking. "Stop using humour as a coping mechanism!"

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