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Cassidy Hedges leaks unreleased song in a mashup on her TikTok and Instagram pages. Click here to watch: https://tiktok.casshedges

Who hurt her? Our thought's on Hedges' teaser:

Rising star Cassidy Hedges gains 2 million followers after viral mashup

Cassidy was nose deep in her screen, unable to pull it away. When she posted that shitty mashup she never expected this reaction.

It was crazy!

She just spontaneously decided to upload it, and then the next time she opened her social media she was spammed with notifications.

"Cactus! Will you stop scrolling on that damn phone for 2 minutes. Your eyes are going to go square," Jamie grumbled pushing her phone away from her face.

Cassidy was so entranced by the device she didn't even notice the nickname.

"Jamie I can't stop looking, it just keeps blowing up more and more. And it's mostly supportive, I can't believe it. People in my comment section are fighting about my 'fanbase' name," Cassidy beamed tilting the phone in his direction.

"Oo- my personal favourite is Cassidy's 'Hedgehog''s, that is literally so cute," Jamie smiled.

"How do I even have a fanbase to name, James?," Cassidy asked genuinely still in shock.

Jamie placed both of his hands on her knees, "It's not that shocking. You're so incredibly talent, you are just finally getting the recognition you've always deserved."

"Stop boosting my ego!," Cassidy yelled, "You're supposed to keep me modest."

"Fine! You suck," Jamie teased.

"Okay well that's just mean," Cassidy folded her arms.

"I'm being serious though, babe! You deserve this," Jamie assured her, "What did your crazy publicist say about all this?"

"Kate? She has been suspiciously quiet," Cassidy gulped, "I'm kind of worried about it!"

"She's probably busy getting you interviews and venues for the giant huge tour you'll be doing," Jamie joked wrapping an arm around his best friend.

"Or thinking about all the ways she can scold me," Cassidy countered with a small shiver.

"What reason could she possibly have?! You took action and got viral. Chances are she would have said no and then this never would have happened," Jamie shrugged, "Plus she works for you. If she's rude you can just fire her."

Cassidy chuckled, "It doesn't exactly work like that, and Kate's known me since I was like 22. She's not going anywhere!"

"Speaking of the devil... you might want to answer your phone," Jamie held the device in front of the brunette's face.

"What?! Oh no, we summoned her," Cassidy shrieked.

"Good luck with that, I'll be making us some lunch!," the boy said rushing away.

"James Heaney! Don't leave me!!!"

But it was too late, he was gone.

Cassidy slid off the couch onto the floor, finally answering the call. For a moment there was silence so she broke it.

"Ka-," she began.

"—Cassidy Leah Hedges, are you an idiot!? Did I not teach you better than this? Things could have gone way differently, and had you have waited for the team to be ready for it, just incase, we would have been prepared to solve any back lash you could have possibly received. But instead you risked your whole reputation to post a 45 second video of you singing a mashup!," Kate paused inhaling a deep breath. Cassidy could practically feel her frustration across the phone. She remained silent, preparing herself for more scolding. "Okay, now that that's out of the way... Congratulations! I'm so incredibly proud of you and I've been sorting things with the team. You should definitely release your album in the next few days, which I know— it sounds crazy but its essential we do this whilst you are still relevant. This was the perfect way to grab everyone's attention, now we need to reel them all the way in. Make them all hedgehogs! How far is the album from being ready?"

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