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a/n: guys if u see any grammatical errors, just lmk cause i was watching a movie during this and typing w my eyes on my tv

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a/n: guys if u see any grammatical errors, just lmk cause i was watching a movie during this and typing w my eyes on my tv. so j comment n i'll fix it. thanks

ELLE, WHO HAD BEEN GETTING HER REVENGE ON KLAUS, CONTINUED. She snuck into his room, a big bucket in her hands. Inside the bucket, it held liqufied vervain and liquified wolfsbane. She snuck up to the side of his bed, where he lay, fast asleep. In one fluid motion, she dumped the contents out onto his body. She quickly sped away, leaving the bucket in his room, then laid down in her bed. 

She rushed under the covers, as she heard him screaming in pain. She heard her bedroom door slam open, smacking against the wall. She jumped, acting as if she was completely asleep, her body shot up. She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What the fuck?"

He puffed, walking up to the side of her bed. "Why would you pour vervain and wolfsbane on me?!" he roared. 

She rubbed her eyes, sleepily. "Klaus, what are you talking about? You just woke me up. I was having a good dream."

"Who else would do that to me, hmm?" he asked her, narrowing his eyes on her. 

She gave him a look; are you dumb? "Oh, I don't know, maybe your sister who you've kept locked in a box a few times? Ooh! Or Hayley, your baby mama who you tried to kill last night?" 

He huffed angrily, giving her one last look. "I know it was you." he said, turning on his feet an dwalking out of her room, slamming the door behind him. 

She stiffled a laugh as she laid back down, her head resting on two pillows. She looked up to the ceiling, getting lost in her thoughts. She lightly gasped, thinking back to her dream the night prior. Was it real? She had no idea if she should believe her dream. However, she knew she should. It was her subconscious tell her something her body already knew.

What about Elijah? She knew that if he were ever undaggered he'd be overjoyed, but what if Klaus never got his brother back from Marcel. She had no idea what to do. What she did know; is that she needed to get a pregnancy test and take it. She sent a text to Rebekah, telling her to come to her room. 

Almost immediatly, Rebekah was at her door, knocking, and then entering. She looked at the girl with furrowed eyebrows. "Are you alright?"

"Um," she said, looking down for a moment, then back up to Rebekah. "Do you know if there's any pregnancy tests in this house?"

Rebekah nodded, and exited the room, then she returned within moments. She held a pregnancy test box up, then handed it to Elle. "You want me to come in with you when you take it?"

Elle looked down in thought, then shook her head. "No. I'll be right back, and then we can wait together, okay?" she asked, earning a nod. After peeing on the stick, she walked back out to her room, from the connected bathroom. She looked at Rebekah, a nervous smile on her face. "So, if it's positive, it'll show up really fast."

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