Chapter four

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An hour has passed since I fell asleep from boredom. My chair rolled up by her on her research table. Eris glances over at me and sees I'm asleep, it makes her feel comfort. She knows that I'm not used to sitting still for so long, especially without anything to do. She sighs and puts down what she's working on. She walks over to where I'm sitting and gently shakes my shoulder to wake me up.

I slowly open my eyes and groggily look up at her. I'm still half-asleep and it takes me a moment to remember where I am and what's happening. Eris smiles down at me, a hint of amusement in her expression. "Wake up, sleepyhead," she says teasingly. "mm why?" I put my head back down and close my eyes, wanting to sleep. Eris chuckles and shakes her head, clearly amused by my groggy and stubborn attitude. "Because I have something to show you," she says, gently pulling me up from my seat.

I yawn and look down, I see a bunch of sketches of four different hive and a ton of writing about each one. Then a necklace at the end. But I'm too sleepy to read, "Eris could you tell me what are you showing me?" I ask tiredly and softly. Eris smiles at my sleepy and soft demeanor, finding my exhaustion somewhat endearing. She looks down at the sketches and notes she's made. "I've been doing a lot of research on the Taken Hive ," she explains, gesturing towards the sketches and notes. "Specifically, I've been studying four powerful Hive. Here, let me show you. She points to each sketch as she speaks, gesturing to the Hive sisters she's been studying.

Eris notices that I'm looking at the sketches and notes with interest now that I'm a bit more awake. She smiles slightly at my expression, clearly pleased that I'm taking an interest in her work. "Each of these siblings holds a seal," she explains, gesturing towards the sketches. "They are powerful and dangerous in their own right, and they are working together in a... uneasy alliance."

"We need to take them down, I need their seals. So that I can fight." I look at Eris with my eyebrow raises but I won't question her. Eris shakes her head, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She knows that I'm eager to fight, but she also knows that these Hive are incredibly powerful. "It's not that simple, Y/N," she says. "Taking down these sisters won't be easy. They are powerful and they have been working together. We need to develop a plan first."

I groan and cover my head "Eris just guide me there and when I get there, and tell me what to do. You can see it!" I protest desperately trying to go fight. Eris sighs and shakes her head again, her expression growing stern. She understands my desire to fight, but she also knows that rushing in without a plan is a reckless and dangerous idea. "Y/N, I understand that you're eager to fight, but we can't just rush in headlong. We need a plan," she reiterates firmly. "These siblings are powerful and dangerous, and if you go in without a plan, you will be outnumbered and outgunned."

I smile and put my hands on my hips, "Eris you know I'm always outnumbered and outgunned yet I come out just fine." Eris raises an eyebrow at my confident declaration, clearly amused by my attitude. She knows that I'm a skilled fighter and stubborn as well, never backing down from a challenge. "Yes, you do have a talent for getting yourself into trouble," she jokes. "But these sisters are on a whole different level. Even for you."

"Every Taken Hive on this planet is incredibly strong, I know they are powerful. But I'll been fine, I have to be Eris. I need to be ready to fight Vellera and Nythra, and Xal'thun. This is basically practice run." I shrug. Eris crosses her arms and gives me a disapproving look, clearly not thrilled with my confidence. "Y/N, you're not listening. These sisters are much more powerful than any other Taken Hive you've faced before. And the fact that they are working together makes them even more dangerous." She takes a deep breath, trying to keep her composure. "And as for this practice run, it's more like a suicide mission."

Eris lets out a sigh of exasperation as I roll my eyes at her and say her full name with a smile. She knows that I'm trying to annoy her, and it seems to be working. "Okay, fine. I have an idea," she says, her tone slightly annoyed but resigned. She crosses her arms and looks at me seriously. "But you have to promise me that you'll listen and follow my instructions to the letter. No going off on your own, no reckless decisions or heroic sacrifices. Understood?"

The Nightfall Siege (Eris Morn x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now