Chapter Seven

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SOFT SMUT GUYS warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️

"I thought I teleported you to" Eris's words catch me off guard, her comment about teleporting me to her room instead of her outside station causing a jolt of surprise to run through me. I finally turn my gaze towards her, confusion and surprise clear in my expression. "Wait, what?" I say, my voice filled with a mix of surprise and worry. I can feel my heart racing even faster, my mind trying to process what she just said.

"I thought it was a mistake Eris." I say lowly and I accidentally sniff. As I hear my own sniffle, I cringe internally, realizing that my emotional state must be even more obvious than I thought. Trying to maintain a veneer of composure, I clear my throat and speak again, my voice still quiet and slightly shaky. "Yeah, yeah... uh, I just wanted to be outside." It's a weak excuse, but I can't think of anything better in my current emotional state.

I look at the Guardian, he appears to be staring almost worriedly. But I brush it off. I teleport back into Eris's room, I remove my helmet, the cool air of the room brushing against my face. My thoughts race, replaying the recent encounter with Eris and the other guardian. I realize how flustered and emotional I became, losing control of my composure in her presence.

I glance over at my Ghost, letting out a small sigh. "Yeah, I... I think I let my feelings get the best of me." I sit there for a moment, trying to compose myself as best I can. But before I can collect my thoughts, the door to the room swings open, and Eris stands there, her eyes meeting mine. For a moment, her gaze is intense and unreadable, but then I notice a slight softening in her expression. She just stares at me, silent and contemplative.

"Are you okay?" Eris steps closer to me, her movements slow and deliberate. I can see a flicker of concern in her eyes as she speaks. In return, I try to mask my emotional distress and give a half-truthful answer. "Yeah, just had a rough time at the Malak chamber." I try to maintain eye contact with her, hoping she doesn't see through my weak fib. With her proximity, I can feel the weight of her intense stare, her eyes studying me carefully. The way she steps closer, it feels like she can almost see through my attempted deception.

I look up at her, my heart racing as I try to maintain a neutral expression, my feelings a tangled mess of sadness, jealousy, and insecurity. "There's something bothering you, I can tell. And it's not just about Malak." Eris says, still standing close to me. Her words cut right through the facade I've attempted to uphold.

As I struggle to maintain my composure, my eyes start to water, and a lump forms in my throat. I try to speak, to say something, but when I open my mouth, my voice cracks and only a single word escapes. "Eris..." The emotion in my voice is clear, my attempt at holding back my feelings faltering under the weight of her presence and perceptive gaze. I clear my throat.

"It's dumb, I got in my feelings because I thought maybe you like that guy you were just talking to. It seemed suspicious, but I'm really just overthinking it." I finally give voice to my insecurities, the words spill out, my voice shaky and uncertain at first. I explain how I got in my feelings, how I thought she liked the other guardian she was talking to, and how I was just overthinking it. As I speak, Eris' expression remains soft and attentive, her eyes never leaving mine. She listens intently, allowing me to get everything out, without interrupting or judging.

I stand up tall, meeting her gaze directly. My heart still races, but I try to muster a bit of confidence. "Eris." I say again, my voice more steady this time. I take a deep breath, preparing to say what's on my mind. My heart jumps, oh god I'm really going to tell her. Flashes of what my ghost said earlier and what I'm about to do collide.

As I grab her hand, I draw on the power of the darkness within me, focusing all my energy on teleporting us away from the moon. In an instant, we are transported, materializing on a distant planet, surrounded by a sea of flowers.
The sudden change of scenery, the sight of the flowers, it's like a breath of fresh air, a stark contrast to the cold, desolate moon that we just left behind.

The Nightfall Siege (Eris Morn x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now