Chapter Six

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I barely have time to catch my breath when Malak suddenly appears, his power surging through him. He swings at me, but I manage to block the attack with my gauntlets, but his strength is overwhelming. Quickly going invisible, I catch Malak off guard and gain a brief moment of advantage. Seizing the opportunity, I shoot him with my hand cannon, the impact clearly surprising him. While he's stunned, I hurriedly back away, trying to create some distance between us.

"That was a close one." I breathe a sigh of relief, still rattled from the encounter with Malak. I start to take another step backwards, but my foot suddenly sinks into a void pool and I'm immediately met with intense pain. Panic sets in as I realize I can't move, the power of the void pool holding me in place. I watch in horror as Malak moves closer, his sinister presence looming over me.

"You're supposed to avoid this pools at all cost, but Eris knew that you could possibly. Unfortunately get stuck, she said to 'embrace the darkness' for this." He quickly says with an annoyed tone. I grunt in frustration, angry that I should've known better. But I know my Ghost is right, Eris had warned me about these Void pools. I just need to figure out a way to get free. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But 'embrace the darkness'? What does that mean?" I say with a mixture of irritation and curiosity, still struggling against the binding void energy.

A hear a voice, "You know how." As Malak continues his approach, his sword scraping against the floor, I see a figure manifest behind him. It's a dark version of myself, clothed in a black cloak, their face obscured by the shadows. I watch in confusion as the darker version of me speaks, their voice sending a chill down my spine. Then, in a blink of an eye, they disappear, leaving me to ponder the meaning behind this strange manifestation.

I concentrate on embracing the darkness, the whispers grow louder and more intense. With a sudden burst of energy, I slam the ground, freezing Malak in place. The void pool surrounding me also freezes, allowing me to finally move again. A sense of victory and relief washes over me, but I know the battle is far from over. I quickly assess the situation, trying to determine my next move.

As Malak frees himself and summons a void storm, I watch in horror as the swirling vortex of void darkness heads straight for me. In a panic, I realize I'm not prepared for this, "Eris didn't warned me about this!" With no time to waste, I quickly break into a run, using my boosting abilities to reach the nearby platforms. I race up, trying to outpace the deadly void storm closing in on me.

Once I reach the platform, I quickly switch to my solar weapons and begin firing at Malak, taking advantage of his weakening state after summoning the void storm. I keep my distance from the storm as it rages on, keeping my focus on Malak. I aim and shoot continuously, putting every bit of effort into each shot. I don't stop until the storm has dispersed and the immediate threat has passed.

Suddenly, I notice something alarming - despite the damage I've inflicted, Malak appears to be regenerating his health, the bullet wounds closing up almost as quickly as they form. I realize the key may be the center stone, its void energy fueling Malak's regeneration. In a desperate move, I switch to my golden gun, channeling its power and firing a shot at the center stone. The shot connects, releasing a powerful blast of void energy that spreads through the chamber.

Enraged, Malak moves with a newfound speed and fury. I barely dodge his attack, feeling the ground shake beneath me as his powerful blow connects with the floor. His strikes are relentless, his anger fueling his strength and aggression. I stay on the defensive, dodging and countering his attacks as best I can. The intensity and ferocity of his strikes leave me fighting for my life, every move a desperate attempt to stay ahead of his onslaught.

"To be fair, you've been doing a great job at avoiding all of the void barriers, void pools, and his attacks." I can't help but roll my eyes at my Ghost's comment, even as I boost up onto a nearby platform to gain some distance from Malak. The praise might be warranted, but it's not exactly what I need to hear right now. "Thanks, Ghost. I appreciate the compliment, but it's not exactly helping right now." I keep my focus firmly on Malak below, watching his movements and preparing for his next attack.

The Nightfall Siege (Eris Morn x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now