Chapter thirteen

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I see my beautiful Eris, I couldn't bare but be excited to see her enter this dark room. "Eris, it's me! I'm back! I'm not mind controlled any longer, believe me!" Your words echo through the room, filled with desperation to convince her of your regained sanity. Eris stands there, her expression betraying her skepticism. She regards you carefully, her gaze filled with a mixture of doubt and caution. "How can I be sure?" she asks, her voice soft yet firm. "How can I trust that you are truly yourself and not still under that damned mind control?"

My ghost appears out of nowhere, "it is her, I feel the connection once again and not the dark emptiness that was once within her." Eris glances at your ghost, who has suddenly appeared, and listens intently to his words. The mention of feeling the connection once more and the absence of the dark emptiness piques her interest. There is a slight softening in her demeanor as she considers the information. "If your ghost can confirm the connection has been restored, it's a positive sign," she murmurs, her voice tinged with cautious hope.

Eris moves closer to disable the devices that had been sapping my strength. I feel the guilt and frustration I feel over what I witnessed yourself doing while under mind control. The memory of the harm I may have inflicted on her and the helplessness I experienced takes a toll on me. "Eris I saw what I was doing when I was mind controlled. I was being so stupid, I-" my voice cracks. Eris listens intently, sensing the heaviness in your words, and she can see the weight of guilt and remorse on your face.

"Eris I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough to stop it." My voice trembles as I convey my apologies, and my regret is palpable as I admit that I weren't strong enough to prevent the mind control. As you speak, Eris steps even closer, gently grasping your face in her hands and redirecting your gaze to meet hers. She holds your face with tenderness, her eyes locking onto yours, filled with a mixture of compassion and understanding.

Tears stream down your face, and they fall without restraint as your emotions spill over. Your voice trembles with a sense of despair as you confess your perceived failure. "I failed you Eris.." You turn your gaze away from her, unable to meet her eyes as the weight of your feelings bears down on you. Eris's gentle hold on the sides of your face persists, and she moves closer, her voice soft yet firm in response to your words."No, you haven't failed me, Y/N."

"Yes I have. I stupidly went down to save those people when you told me not to. When my mind is easy to get controlled. And then, I saw my hurting people I loved. But mostly you, a mental torment. I-" The pain and remorse in your voice are evident as you admit your misguided decision to go down to save those people despite her warnings. The weight of guilt and anguish becomes unbearable as you struggle to speak through your tears. Eris listens, her expression becoming more sorrowful as she senses the depth of your torment and regret. She continues to hold your face, her touch now laced with a mixture of empathy and determination to alleviate your suffering.

Eris's eyes soften, filled with understanding. "You may have erred, but you have not failed me, Lyra. You are human, striving to do what is right, to save those in need. I foresaw this moment, yet my judgment was flawed. It was not a trap; those people needed aid. I let my fear for your well-being, of you being ensnared by mind control, cloud my vision. Our choices have always demanded sacrifices." her saying that makes me feel better and smile slightly. "You're very sweet and beautiful with your words. You are a dream come true, it's just that I have issues with moments like that. I can't save everyone yet I try so hard to. I feel like I'll lose myself trying to." I vent as I look into her eyes.

Eris notices the slight upturn in your expression as she speaks, her words soothing your troubled heart. "Your efforts to save everyone are commendable, but it is true that we cannot rescue them all. We are limited in our power and resources." She pauses for a moment, her eyes meeting yours, her voice filled with compassion. "Don't lose yourself in the attempt, my love. You are more than the burdens you carry." I see Riven behind Eris, by the traveler I felt like I had escaped her. Riven is a haunting memory, I need to die. I can't let Eris get killed by Riven or anyone. When I feel as though, Riven is taking over. I will try my hardest to end it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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