Chapter two

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I'm teleported to the main moon outpost, the Sanctuary. It's a huge three-story building, it stands tall. Loud, amongst the white terrain. It blends as the same color, it's wide. I can feel so much light here....So much determination. I see hills and high tops in the distance, away from everything.

I look around the outside of the tall building. That's when I see Eris standing there, but my heart skips a beat when I also notice a floating red dead Guardian floating next to her. I'm a bit taken aback by the floating red Guardian, as I haven't seen anything like it before. Meanwhile, I notice that Eris seems preoccupied and engaged in conversation with someone. I approach her slowly, not wanting to disrupt her.

I sit down nearby, watching Eris as she continues her research and conversations. As I wait, I notice the floating red Guardian staring at me. I casually remove my helmet, revealing my face to it. I sit and wait patiently for a bit, until I notice Eris staring at something. She doesn't turn around, but addresses someone. "Speak, Guardian," she says firmly. Feeling a bit nervous and awkward, I start rubbing the back of my neck.

Eris is still unaware that it's me behind her, and I stay quiet for a moment. But when I remain silent, she finally turns around to face me. I call out to her hesitantly. "Eris?" My heart aches a little at her cold and indifferent demeanor. I knew she wasn't one for warm and affectionate greetings, but she seemed a bit withdrawn and distant even by her standards. Even her usual sharpness and focus seemed dulled down. She looks me up and down, her gaze studying me intently. I shift uncomfortably under her scrutiny, feeling nervous and uncertain. It's like she's sizing me up, trying to assess my capabilities and worth. The silence between us grows longer and more awkward.

"It's good to see you during this...Siege." Her words are cold and matter-of-fact, but there's a subtle, almost imperceptible hint of warmth in her voice. I'm puzzled by this mixture of coldness and softness in her tone, especially considering how she acted before our departure. The contrast between her usual demeanor and this new, softer aspect leaves me even more perplexed, and my mind is flooded with unanswered questions.

I smile warmly in response to her words, looking directly into her eyes. "Yeah, it's good to see you too, Eris," I murmur. I try to keep my excitement in check, but it's difficult. "I've been waiting for you to say something like that," I joke, but there's a tinge of seriousness in my voice, too. The thought that she could be softening towards me fills me with a strange mixture of hope and caution. There's a moment of silence between us and I notice a hint of a smile play across her lips. It's brief and fleeting, but it's there. It almost makes me wonder if I imagined it. Her cold exterior seems to soften slightly, and her gaze becomes less intense, more thoughtful.

I flinch slightly as she grabs my arm, her touch surprisingly gentle. For a moment, it seems as if she's trying to confirm that I'm really here, as if she missed me. But just as quickly, she catches herself and resumes her usual cold demeanor. "You didn't respond on the radio," she says, her voice tinged with a hint of worry, but she quickly schools her expression back to her familiar aloofness. I recount my recent experience to her. "I was kind of preoccupied, you know, trying not to get killed. That Wizard blasted me right through a fortified wall, through all my cover. Can you believe it? That beam was so powerful, it just went straight through. It's insane how strong they've gotten," I complain, my annoyance evident in my voice.

Eris scrutinizes me with a fierce gaze, her eyes narrowing. "Were you being careful, Y/N?" she asks, irritation creeping into her voice. "Did you wait for backup?" She knows all too well about my habit of charging head-first into danger, and she disapproves wholeheartedly. "Duhh...?" I try to play it off, but I can tell that Eris sees right through my excuse. "Of course I did!" I say with false confidence, looking everywhere but directly at her. But she sees straight through my lies; she knows me far too well by now.

The Nightfall Siege (Eris Morn x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now