Chapter Five

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I see the seal on the floor and start walking to it, "You've killed her. Good. Grab the seal that's on the floor." I hear Eris' voice come over the radio, I turn my attention to the floor and notice a seal etched onto the stone. I walk towards it, still a bit winded from the battle with Druuk. "Yes Eris. We see the seal," My ghost says as I kneel down to examine it more closely.

I hold the seal in my hand, feeling its cold, smooth surface. It shines brightly, the symbol of illusion and darkness visible on its surface. Suddenly, a portal appears behind me, a swirling vortex of black and green. I recognize it immediately as Eris' own portal. "Go in now. I don't need you getting distracted Y/N." Eris demands with stern and a bit of coldness. I nod, knowing that Eris' words carry the weight of experience and authority. I grip the seal tightly in my hand and step towards the portal, the swirling darkness surrounding it drawing me in. "Understood, Eris. I'm going in now," I say, my voice steady and determined.

Just as I'm about to step through the portal, I hear a faint sound in the distance, coming from further back in the lair. It sounds like Eris calling out, and I turn to look in the direction of the sound. I call out to her, my voice echoing through the chamber. "Eris? Are you there?" I stumble forward as the hand pulls me through the portal, and I find myself back in the sanctuary. Eris stands before me, her eyes cold and serious. I can feel the weight of her gaze on me, and I know immediately that she is not pleased with my brief moment of distraction.

"Hey Eris.." I chuckle nervously and look around, she stays quiet. Her glare growing. "I thought you were in the chamber, I heard you!" I try to explain myself to Eris. Eris remains quiet, her gaze unwavering and her expression stern. I can feel her irritation seeping through the way she stands, her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. "It wasn't me, it was a trick," she finally says, her voice icy and cold. "You heard me, yes. But you should have known better than to get distracted."

"Im sorry Eris. In that situation or any, you could be the only thing that can distracts me." I say as I blush in embarrassment. Eris raises an eyebrow at my words, her expression softening slightly. She looks at me with a mixture of surprise and annoyance, but I can see a small hint of a smile on her face. "Flattery won't get you out of this one," she says, her voice still stern. "You can't let your emotions cloud your judgement, especially not in battle. You need to stay focused and alert."

I sit down and look away from her, "I'm not flattering you. I just. Im just telling you the truth Eris.." I struggle to say as I take off my helmet, "but I will stay focused and alert." Eris looks at me for a moment, her expression softening even further. For a moment, she seems almost taken aback by my words, as if they caught her off guard. She takes a few steps closer to me, her stance relaxing slightly. Her eyes search mine, as if searching for something. "You're sincere, aren't you?" she says, her voice quieter now, less stern.

I smile, "You know, I always have Eris. Anything in the past, anything I've said about you has been sincere." My heart quickens at that slight confession. Eris's eyes widen slightly at my words, and I can see a hint of surprise flicker across her face. She takes a moment to process my confession, her expression softening further. She takes another step closer to me, her voice low and quiet. "You mean it? Everything you've said about me has been sincere?"

I stand up from my chair, "I mean yeah. To the jokes to me being serious. Everything I've said about you in ways maybe you thought was flattering or joking. Was always sincere, I guess in our circumstances. You could never see it like that." Eris watches me closely as I stand up from my chair, her eyes fixed on me. Her expression is hard to read, but I can see a hint of something in her eyes – maybe surprise, maybe something more. She takes a step closer to me, her voice even quieter than before. "Are...are you saying that you've been sincere all along? That everything you've said about me, the jokes, the all meant something more?"

The Nightfall Siege (Eris Morn x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now