Chapter 12: Anything For Her

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⚪️ @MaxMayfield_
It's fucking pathetic how you treat people online. This 'trend' going around about Jane is nothing short of disgusting. People twice, even three times her age are commenting about her looks, about her body, and the rest of you are too afraid to show your damn face. She is 19 years old, and in case you forgot, when you're 19 you're not fully grown yet, you're still changing everyday and your body grows as well as you as a person.

And I know this isn't the kinda shit I normally post, I try my best to be funny, to post things that are genuinely happy to separate myself from the people who stay at home all day, making fun of those who are actually out there doing things in the world. But this fucking trend isn't a joke, and what I'm saying right now isn't one either.

Jane is someone I've known ever since I was a kid, before the fame and the shit that came with it. She's the most loving person I've ever met, the most beautiful both inside and out and if you actually had the decency to look above the lies, you'd be able to see that too.

No, she didn't get her fame from Billie, just because they are both friends and both successful doesn't mean one mooches off the other.

You don't think saying shit online affects people just because it's through a screen, but it does more than you think. And I'm not saying 'saying it in person is better', what I'm saying is keep your fucking mouth shut and your thoughts in your head. You don't know what it's like to see her come back from work, exhausted and just wanting to relax. But she can't go on Instagram, or TikTok, or Twitter or any goddamn socials because all of you who have nothing better to do with your life fill her inboxes with insults, comparisons, even DEATH THREATS just because you're bored?

Stop this bullshit trend, stop using the hashtag, and actually grow the fuck up. You won't know how it feels like unless it happens to you.

If you're in school, focus on that rather than someone you've never met before.
If you're an adult, focus on your fucking job and find something better to do with your free time.
If you don't work and have all the time in the world, spend it on something else like finding a new hobby rather than hating on someone who does have things to do, because all you're doing in the long run is embarrassing yourself and potentially sabotaging yourself for the future.
And if you actually want to get somewhere in life, work on your talents because everyone has the capability to prove something, and what you're doing on this damn app clearly isn't getting you anywhere special.

And finally, to those who are so concerned about Jane's body and her supposed 'glow down' which is just pure bullshit, yes she eats healthy, yes she works out, yes she goes to the gym, can you say the same, @HarrisonFrancis? Based on that profile picture I doubt it. And no I'm not telling you which one @MicahGerrins.

Work on your own physiques rather than focusing on a 19 year old's, and yes I'm talking to you @JasonHutchins, you're 66 in your damn bio, I wonder what your wife would say if she found out.

I'm not trying to be a karen and say 'get off your damn phones' because first of all I'm 20 and second that'd be hypocritical. But please, find something better do with your lives, reach out to someone if you need help, don't inflict your anger on someone who doesn't deserve it.

- Max

Posted 58 mins ago
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I want someone to protect me the way Max protects Jane 😔 #protectivegf #elmax #justiceforbills
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I don't know what you're talking about?? #icouldeatthatgirlforlunch
mhmmmm 😋🥪
Jane came home an hour or so later, and was surprisingly feeling kinda refreshed after not being on her phone for the day.

Max was at the shops, so she went in the shower to get cleaned up before wearing tracksuits and just a sports bra, wanting to be comfortable. She lay down on the sofa, feeling like sleeping after her session but not wanting to fall asleep before seeing Max.

Unfortunately she couldn't help herself, and the older girl unlocked the door, knowing El was home due to her bag being in its usual spot near the door.

"El?" She called out, the house silent. She hoped she wasn't upset over what she posted. She heard soft mumbles and smiled as she saw her fast asleep on the sofa, lying on her stomach with her arm outstretched to the floor, already clean and changed.

She chuckled and ruffled her hair, letting her sleep while going into the kitchen to make dinner.

A few minutes passed and Max startled as she felt hands wrap around her waist, immediately relaxing as she smelt El's shampoo, a smile growing on her lips.

"Hi pretty girl." The younger girl said, her eyes half open as she had just woken up, kissing her neck.
"Hey baby." Max giggled, tilting her head back against her shoulder a bit, falling into her embrace. "How was your nap?"
"Good, when did you get back?" She asked, her voice still a bit raspy.
"Not even 20 minutes ago, I wanted to let you sleep for a bit longer."

El hummed in her ear, "I tried to stay up until you came back but I guess I must've fallen asleep."
"Sorry, I had to go to like 3 stores to get everything." Max replied.
"We should get a car, I'll get one for you."

She chuckled, "They aren't cheap. And don't worry about it, I'll manage. But you know what? There was some cool ones I saw yesterday in this magazine thing."
"Yeah? Show me them later." El spoke, kissing her cheek once more before pulling away, rubbing the slumber from her eyes.
"Go back to sleep if you're tired." She said, "I'll wake you up to eat."

El shook her head, "I'll be fine, I wanna stay with you."
Max smiled to herself, shaking her head lightly as El got distracted by the flowers in the vase. "These are cool."
"You literally brought them for me." The older girl reminded her.
"Because they looked cool."

Max chuckled and turned around to look at her once she put the lid on the pot. "And see, you're already jacked."
"No I'm not." El murmured, suddenly embarrassed.
"Sure you are. Look, flex your arms."

Eleven did as she was told and Max put her hand on her arm, squeezing lightly. "See, pure muscle." She smiled, "And I already see your abs coming in. That's hot."

She hid her face, her cheeks a deep red. "Stop it Max." El told her, avoiding Max's hands as they tried to make her look at her.
"What, can't I call my girlfriend hot?" Max giggled, "Put my playlist on, I wanna dance with you."
Eleven moved her hands from her face, a faint blush still on her cheeks as she grabbed her girlfriend's phone from the counter, connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker. She went on Spotify and suddenly her song started playing loudly, making her jump slightly.

"No way you have my song on your playlist." El furrowed her eyebrows, confused.
"Songs. I have every single one, why wouldn't I? I love them." She leaned up to kiss her softly, "Now come on, dance with me!"

She held her hands and after a few moments, El rolled her eyes playfully, deciding to finally joining in.

"Oh Hannah, tell me something nice." Max sung loudly, making the girl laugh.
"Like flowers and blue skies." El continued for her.
"Oh Hannah, I will follow you home."
"Although my lips are blue and I'm cold."

Max pretended to play the guitar as El played it in the song, dancing around the room as she belted out the lyrics, standing up on the sofa as if she was on a stage.

El chuckled, watching her for a while before turning back to the pot, making sure the food didn't burn.

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