Chapter 30: "I Lived Bitches."

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El sat in the chair, her hand tightly holding Max's as she watched her closely. She had been there since 8 in the morning and wouldn't leave until 9 pm. She was going to wake up today, she was so sure of it.

It was now 2 pm, and throughout the hours El had seen her hands move more than the night before, her soft breathing and the way her eyes would move from beneath her eyelids. She was going to wake up, everything was going to go back to the way it was.

"Come on Max." She said, "Wake up. Open your eyes for me. I know you can do it." She moved her other hand to caress her cheek, smiling as she saw the blush colour the skin beneath her thumb. "Wake up babe, you're so close. I can see you trying."

Another hour passed but El wasn't giving up, only watching her even closer. "You can do it, I'm right here. No matter how long it takes you I'm gonna be here, waiting for when you wake up. You're not alone, okay?"

2 more hours passed and Eleven was growing tired, especially having woken up so much earlier than usual that morning. "I..." She yawned, unable to stop herself, "I'm going to sleep baby, okay? If you wake up just shake me, I'm not leaving."

She settled her head down on Max's stomach, making sure not to get too close to the side she had hurt despite it already being pretty much scarred over. She closed her eyes, her one hand still intertwined with her hand.


Max's eyes fluttered open and the blur adjusted back to normality in a second. She groaned softly, her leg still in a lot of pain but nothing compared to the pain she endured that night. She felt a weight on her stomach and slowly turned her head down, her muscles aching slightly after not being used for so long.

A smile tugged at her lips as she saw her girlfriend asleep on her, their hands still joined together. She licked her lips, her mouth dry. Max moved her other hand onto El's head, her arm still weak as she played with her curls.

"Wake up Ellie." She whispered, smiling lightly as she saw El stir before sitting up, her eyes widening as she saw her.

"M-Max?" She asked, feeling all the pain from the past few months physically leave her chest.
"Hey." The older girl chuckled as El instantly pounced onto her, giving her such a tight hug she wondered if she'd ever be able to breathe again. But she didn't care, as long as she stayed in El's arms she was perfectly content in never breathing again. She tried to lift her arms around El's neck, a small grunt of effort leaving her lips as she couldn't do it.

Eleven lifted her arms around her neck, making the older girl smile as she closed her eyes, falling into the embrace.

"Oh thank God." The younger girl mumbled in her neck, cradling her head, her fingertips buried deep into her hair. "Thank God you're okay."
Max breathed her in, not knowing how she got so lucky. El had stayed by her side throughout it all. "I heard you." She said, her voice hoarse. She cleared her throat, "I heard you speaking to me."
"Yeah?" El smiled, pulling away for only a second before immediately bringing her in for another hug, missing this feeling more than anything. "I knew you could."

A few moments passed and Eleven broke the hug to give Max some much needed water. "You should drink some water." She said, handing her a cup. Max took it, her hands shaking a bit with the effort. "Here, I've got you." She murmured, helping her hold the cup, carefully lifting it to her lips and pouring a bit in before letting her swallow it, repeating the process until she was finished.

Max held her face in her hands, eyes searching her face as her thumbs caressed her cheeks. Eleven smiled, rubbing her hands up and down her arms.

"My beautiful girl." She said softly, looking into her eyes, "God, I could stare at you forever. You don't know how much I've missed you."
"You don't know how much I've missed you." El repeated, her eyes drifting down to her lips as Max pulled her closer. Max smiled, licking her lips slightly before bringing her in for a slow kiss, something they both hadn't done for weeks on end.

She hummed as she felt El's soft lips on hers, missing the way they had felt. A few moments passed and she pulled away only a centimetre to take a breath before kissing her again, only this time she was much more desperate.

Eleven pulled away after a moment, a dark blush on her cheeks. She grinned, sitting down on the chair beside Max.

"I heard you say something about you going to..." She thought for a moment, trying to remember, "About you going to court. Why did you have to go?"
"Because he tried to charge me for assault and also tried to make me pay for his medical bills."
"You're fucking joking." Max said, not believing her ears.
El smiled, shaking her head, "That's what I thought, but clearly not."
"Did you win? I swear to God if you had to pay that son of a bit-"
"Of course I won." She chuckled, "The whole thing was filmed even though it only lasted like an hour and a half. Wanna watch?" She asked, pulling out her phone.
"Hell yeah." Max smiled as El moved her chair closer, both of them beginning to watch the court video.

She watched as Jane entered the court in her suit, and the anger that was written all over her face. Max saw the camera footage and the way El's lawyer explained everything in perfect detail to the judge, and the way Harry's face paled. But what surprised her the most was the way El defended not only herself but Max on the stand. The way her eyes darkened and her jaw clenched when she heard the opposing lawyer's voice, the way her fist tightened against the wood and the way the lights flickered when she began to get furious. The way her voice was firm and strong the whole way through.

The video ended and she looked at El, a satisfied smile on her face. "That was hot." Was all she said as El laughed, shaking her head.
"That's what you got from that entire video?" She wondered, amused.
"I'm just saying. You defending yourself on that stand was something else, I wish I could've seen you in that suit."
She rolled her eyes playfully, "I'll wear them more often if you're so obsessed with them."

Max smiled, leaning forwards slightly to peck her lips, "Seriously though, thank you for going out and defending not only yourself but me as well. I'd hire you to be my lawyer, that's for sure."
"Well hopefully we won't ever have to go to court again." Jane said, a smile on her lips as she slipped her phone back in her pocket. "Anyway, it's time to test that leg of yours."


Hours passed and Max decided to post something on her Instagram after 3 months of nothing.

⚪️ @MaxMayfield_
I lived bitches.

"Death is overrated" #brothoughthecouldkillme #comalifeornolife #catssponserme
Posted 31 mins ago
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bro save some aura for me damn
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hell no I need it for when I'm in a wheelchair

Low-key need Jane in every way possible after seeing her in that suit
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^ @MaxMayfield_
Get in line 🤫🛌🔞🥵❌💤

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