Chapter 43: Tiktok Era

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Max startled as El barged into the bedroom, showing her her phone. "Can we do this dance?" She asked, showing her a video of the viral dance that people were doing to 'Or Nah' from the Weeknd.
"No!" She exclaimed, "Why'd you come in like that?! And why are you wearing a onesie?!"

El looked down at her outfit, a light brown fluffy bear onesie with her hood up. "Because it's comfy! Please Max, I wanna do it!"
"Do it then!" The older girl replied.
Eleven groaned, "No... it's boring by myself." She whined, "I wanna do it with you! Please?"

Max lowered her phone and looked at her as she gave her puppy dog eyes, something she always did when she wanted to get her way. She held her breath and tried to say no again but how could she? How could she when El was looking at her like that, dressed in a literal bear onesie?

"Okay, fine." She huffed, sitting up from where she lay.
El grinned, moving out of the way so she could stand up. "Works every time."
"Shut up." Max said despite her smile, getting deja vu from when El had convinced her to watch Romeo and Juliet with her during one of their sleepovers a few years before. "Now leave so I can get ready."
"But-" She tried, thinking Max would make her leave and not do the dance.
"I'm not gonna back out, don't worry. Just give me a second and I'll be right out." Max interrupted, already knowing what she was thinking.
"Okay." Jane smiled, shutting the door behind her as she left.

Max opened the closet door, trying to find the one thing she was looking for.


10 minutes passed and El was trying to remember the dance until she heard the bedroom door open. She peeked over the back of the sofa, seeing Max wearing a tiger onesie. A big smile grew on her lips as she immediately got off the sofa, going over to her.

"Since when did you have a onesie?" She asked, feeling the material of her hood.
"Ever since you brought me one." She smiled, pushing her hands away, "Anyway, lemme see this dance already." Max jumped onto her back, wrapping her arms around her neck and looking over her shoulder at her phone.

El caught her, holding her thigh with one hand and propping her up higher so she wouldn't fall. "Can you see?" She asked her.
"Mhm." She hummed, pulling El's hood down as she brushed her hair out of the way, kissing her neck.

"Watch it babe." El blushed and Max giggled, kissing her skin once more before pulling away, actually watching the video this time.

"We can do that." She nodded after watching a couple times, "Easy."
"Yeah?" Jane smiled, "Where should we film it?" She asked, looking around.
"Living room." Max replied since it was the easiest to prop up the phone there. El walked over to the living room, propping her phone up on the table the TV was on, stepping back to make sure it was okay.

"Why do you suddenly wanna do this anyway?" Max asked as she put the song on the phone.
"I don't know, I just haven't made a TikTok in a while and this dance has been like every other video on my for you page." El explained, finally finding it.

"Or maybe you're just going back into your TikTok era." The older girl spoke, chuckling slightly as she remembered El's old account which she still had but made private, all the dances she learnt while they were in high school.
"Hey, I'd go back." She laughed, "And you used to dance then too! I literally made so many TikTok's with you in the halls."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes playfully as El set the phone back up, putting a timer on it.

"K, you ready?" She asked, about to press film.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Max smiled, secretly enjoying filming TikTok's with El, though she'd never admit it.

El pressed the button and stepped back so they were in frame, putting her other hand on Max's thigh as she propped her up properly this time.

The song started, with the Weeknd singing, "Took her to the kitchen, fucked her right there on the table."

Max kissed El's cheek and jumped off her back as the dance began, lip syncing to the words as she pointed her thumb over her shoulder to the kitchen behind her.

"She repping XO to the death." El danced as Max joined in on the next line, doing the same moves as the other girl smiled. "I'm tryna make these bitches sweat. I'm tryna keep that pussy wet, I'm tryna fuck her and her friends."

They flexed their right arm and rocked their bodies for the last move as El put her left hand on Max's lower stomach, pulling her almost completely in front of her. Max grinned and subtly ground on her front, looking up at El as their lips met just after the song ended.

She turned around and put her arms around her neck, kissing her again as El's hands found her waist, slowly moving down to her ass. Max smiled against her lips and pulled away a few moments later, keeping her arms around her as El used her powers to get her phone so they wouldn't have to move.

"We actually did it first try." She said in a surprised tone.
"Lemme see." Max murmured, leaning against her as she turned her phone so she could see. "Mm, that's hot. Send it to me." She nodded in approval as El pulled away from her, taking her arm and bringing her over to the sofa with her as she lay down.
"Want me to post it too?" She asked, rubbing Max's back as she lay on top of her, her cheek resting against her chest as her hand played with the zip of her onesie.
"Yeah." Max spoke, "Wanna watch a movie?"

El used her powers to get the remote, handing it to Max as she wrote the caption. "Pick whatever you want baby." The older girl smiled and put on Karate Kid, one of her all time favourites.


'Back in my "I took her to my penthouse and I freaked it" era?? #fyp'
Tagged: @MaxMayfield_
Posted 11 mins ago
View all 763 comments >

Wearing onesies in the middle of summer is so real
^ @JaneHopperOfficial
Normalise wearing onesies in July 🤭

I had clothes on just a second ago, I swear 😕
Woah where'd they go 🤨

What happened after it ended?? 🫣
I'M JOKING (not for long...)

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