Chapter 35: One Chip Challenge

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The boys were finally back in the city for Max's birthday coming up in a week, and they decided to make a YouTube video.

She had already made an account before but hadn't posted yet, only promoting it slightly on her Instagram. So far they had 3k subscribers but they didn't care about how many people watched it anyway.

"Wait, which is the least spiciest?" Will asked, holding up a box.
"They're all the same, stupid." El replied, reading the back of it. "Wait, you have to be at least 18 to eat this?"
"Yeah." Max nodded, setting up the camera, "But we're all over that age so it's okay."
"Nah, I don't think I can do it." Dustin shook his head.
"Me neither, if you have to be an adult to eat something, that's just a sign." El agreed, putting it back down on the table.

"Oh come on." The other girl said, turning around as Lucas fixed it for her. "You haven't even given it a shot yet. Don't be a pussy Dustin." She teased.
"I'm not a pussy for not eating a chip-! Ugh whatever, just start the video." He groaned.

The camera started filming, "Hey everyone, it's Max and I'm joined with Jane obviously." She said, pulling her into the shot as she waved innocently. "We decided to make a video because I'm bored and I thought it'd be fun." She smiled, "And today we're doing the one chip challenge."
"Yep." El nodded, "And we've also got a few special guests. Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will all the way from Hawkins, Indiana!" She introduced dramatically as they came from behind the table, cheering.

"First I'd just like to say I did not consent to this challenge-" Dustin began.
"Dustin, you're the one that literally had the idea to do this." Max said, "Anyway, let's not waste any time, I'm actually excited to try it."

El read the back of the box again, "Lucas had to sign a waiver to get these. A whole waiver."
"That just means we can't sue them if something happens." Will explained.
"That doesn't make me feel any better." Dustin chuckled nervously, getting scissors from the drawer.

Within seconds Max had them all opened, "Make sure to wash your hands straight after you eat it so you don't get it on your face, and everyone has to eat the whole thing otherwise you have to do a forfeit." She quickly said before Dustin backed out.
"What's the forfeit?" He asked.
"You have to go push El's car down the entire block 3 times without any breaks."
"What?! That's impossible!"
"You know what's not impossible? Eating the chip. It's gonna be fun, trust me. Alright, everyone ready?" She held hers in her hand.

Mike smelled it hesitantly, "It doesn't smell like anything."
"3..." Lucas began, also excited.
"2..." Max continued.
"1!" He finished, taking a small bite before eating the whole thing so the spice wouldn't come in waves.

"Wait, that wasn't even bad-" Dustin said, "Oh shit, it's coming. It's fucking coming." He shook his head, immediately getting a glass of water.
Max stood in silence for a moment, letting the spice sink in as she deeply regretted her life choices.

El was smart and grabbed the whip cream they always had at their house for the eggos and sprayed some in her mouth, breathing heavily as her lips burned red. "God, who actually eats this shit and enjoys it?!" She exclaimed as Will snatched the can from her. "Hey, give it back!" She shouted, grabbing it as he sprayed it, making it go all over his face.

She laughed and Mike dropped to the floor as tears rolled down his cheeks, desperately chugging glasses of water. "Dustin you're a fucking dumbass!" He yelled, water spilling down his shirt. He had an ice cube in his mouth, his tongue on fire as he exhaled, trying to get rid of it.

Max just drank her milk, trying to focus on getting rid of the spice while everyone behind her freaked out. Tears welled in her eyes and she giggled as she saw El running behind her, spraying whip cream in her mouth and quickly going to the sink to spit it out since it wasn't helping anymore.

"No no no." She said, running her mouth under the sink, "No no no no no." She grabbed a tea towel, wiping her mouth before grabbing Mike's half full cup, quickly drinking the water. She immediately spat it out, laughing and crying at the same time as the older girl leaned over the table, trying not to choke on the milk in her mouth as she laughed, watching her.

"No! I think it's in my eye!" She shouted as Mike screamed out for mercy. She shook her head and walked away while Will shook the bottle of whip cream, trying to get some out as he stuck his tongue out to catch it.

Lucas was doubled over, trying to waft air into his mouth as Dustin ate bread, sniffling as he waited for the pain to fade.

Max was dying of laughter as Mike stood in the doorway of the fridge. El came back after doing a lap around the house, taking the jug of milk she was drinking from. She poured it into her mouth, most of it spilling onto her shirt and some in her hair as she poured too quickly, immediately spitting it out.

"That fucking milk's expired! That's expired!" She exclaimed, tears in her eyes as the spice didn't leave.
"We got that today!" Lucas said as she read the date on the label.
"It says the 30th of March, it's almost the middle of April!" Jane shouted as Max lowered herself to the floor, her mouth no longer burning as she laughed until her ribs ached.

"Are you okay?" She asked Dustin as he had an ice cube on his lips, suffering in silence. "Are you still burning?"
"I'm burning so bad." He said, shaking his head as he breathed heavily.


The video cut to when they were all on the floor, trying to regain their ability to live as normal humans.

"That wasn't even that bad." Lucas shrugged nonchalantly.
"I rate the spice level a... 3." El nodded.
"Yep, flavour wise a 2... spice a 1." Will agreed, still sucking in air.

They all stood up one after the other and El drank more water, her lips still red.

"So as you can tell we're amazing at spice, have amazing tolerances. I mean, what can I say?" Max shrugged, smiling. "Anyway, if you enjoyed this video, hit the like button down below, subscribe if you want more."
"Smash the notification bell so you know when we make a new video." Lucas added, his eyes watering.
"Yep, and thanks for watching!"

"Yeah I'm never doing that shit again." Mike said and Max giggled while Lucas ended the video.

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