Chapter 41: "What's Smut...?"

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An hour or so passed and El lay down on the stage as they finished another song, exhausted.

"You know what I think you should download?" Billie asked her, taking off her guitar.
"What?" El asked, sitting up as she ruffled her hair a bit, fixing her curls.

The crowd screamed both yes and no and El frowned at their reaction. "What the hell's 'wattpad'?"
"Only the most unhinged app on the planet. People write books about their own characters, shows, books about books, sometimes even about celebrities." She hinted.
"Okay." El shrugged, already downloading it, "Why, do you read books about yourself?" She smiled, lying back down.

"If I wanna laugh, sometimes. Some of mine are really sad though, if you know you know." She said to the crowd. "You should read some of yours. I bet there's some Elmax ones out there."
"Yeah?" El chuckled, picking up her phone as she opened the app. "Okay I've logged in. What do I search for?"
"Search whatever." Billie grinned, sitting beside her.
"I'm searching Elmax since you've got me curious." She said, seeing some results come up. "No way, there's loads! Let's read a short one. Warning, smut... very smutty smut. What does smut mean?"

The crowd screamed and Billie laughed, "You'll find out."
"Okay." El raised an eyebrow as she clicked on it. "Max Mayfield just found out her boyfriend cheated on her and invites her best friend, Jane Hopper, over in hopes for something to fix her broken heart and cheer her up." She chuckled, "'Jane, my... my boyfriend cheated on me. Max sobbed as Jane sat next to her on the bed, fixing her blonde curls.' What the hell, I'm not even blonde!" She exclaimed as Billie laughed.

"Wait I need someone to read Max's part. Billie you read it." She said.
"No way." She declined, knowing full well what smut was.
El groaned, "Max, come up here!" She said, looking over to the crowd. She sat up and jumped off the stage, going towards the barricades as she soon walked to the front as people moved out of the way for her. She carried Max over and they went back on stage.

The crowd cheered as they saw Max and she grinned, waving at them. "Holy shit, this is actually insane." She said, looking at how many people were here.

"Here, share my mic." El said, a smile on her face as she took the mic off her shirt, holding it up to Max's mouth. She sat back down on the floor, "Okay, you read your lines and I read mine."

Max smiled, having some idea what smut was but also wanting to see El's reaction to it. "I-I don't know what I'm gonna do without him, he is- was- God, I don't know! I thought he was the love of my life." She pretended to sob, putting on an act as she sat down beside El.

"Aww how sad." Billie pouted, giggling as she sat on the chair beside Finneas.

"It's okay Max... Jane soothed, pulling her into her chest." El read out.
"No it's not! You don't get it El!" Max suddenly shouted as she stood up, making Billie laugh. "You've never had a boyfriend, a girlfriend, you don't get how I feel!"

El stood up too, "W-w-what? She stuttered, heartbroken. How could you say something like that to me? Of course I get how you feel, you're my best friend for fucks sake!"
Max giggled, quickly suppressing it as she pushed her back gently, "'No, Max, the ginger cookie, crumbled', what the fuck..." El laughed but she continued, "'You don't understand how he made me feel, you don't understand how much I loved him! You know why?"

"Why?" Jane asked.
"Because," Max pressed her finger against her chest threateningly, acting out what she read, "Because you don't know what love feels like. What real love feels like."

The crowd gasped and Billie put a hand over her mouth as Finneas laughed, fixing his earpiece.

El read her lines out, "Oh yeah? Well actually I do, do you wanna know why? Because..." She moved Max's hand from her chest, holding it in hers. "Because I love you. And if what this is isn't real love, then I don't know what is."

Max laughed and the crowd awed. "You... you love me?" She asked, looking up at her.
"Of course I do, you're my best friend Max. How could I not?" El gushed dramatically as the older girl rolled her eyes playfully, nudging her.
"Well guess what? I love you too.' Wow, I moved on fast." She commented. "Jane wipes my tears away sob sob, hug hug, aww this is cute."

"Yeah? Keep scrolling." Billie urged, trying to hide her smile.

The crowd screamed for El to stop but she was too curious now and scrolled down a few times until she was near the end of the story.

"Okay, this is way too many words for me." She said, still not the best at reading.
Max moved beside her, putting her hand on her arm as she looked at her phone. She read a couple lines until her eyes widened and she pointed at a line for El to read.

"Woah!" She shouted as Max laughed, taking the phone from her as the audience laughed too. "Billie what the fuck is this?"
"Now you know what smut is." Billie said, getting up from her chair. "It's a canon event. You seriously didn't know, you never had wattpad?"
"No! I barely read normal books, why would I have a book app?" El exclaimed.
"You know what, that's fair." She chuckled, "Anyway, you ready to finish the show off?"

The crowd didn't want it to end but cheered as they heard Billie's song begin playing. Max put El's mic back on her shirt, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before jumping off the stage and joining back with the crowd.

El smiled, a faint blush on her cheeks as she sung softly to the song, making sure security got her over the barricades safely.

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