💕Traveling With The Doggy💕

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Here's the next chapter......
Thank you to the follower who encouraged me to stay on this app, and right now I'm copying and pasting all copies of chapters of stories I mainly worked on, onto an app, so I don't lose them.
Someone is reporting my stories, getting them taken down.
If I lose this account I will make another to continue bringing joy to others.

Disability representation is what I'm best at since I am disabled.
The female lead suffered from chronic pain, a disability, but once she was reborn into the Inuyasha World she does not anymore.

This story starts after the Band Of Seven was destroyed, and I'll add new incarnations of my own making to make the story longer.
Also I won't be buying anime DVDs this month with saved funds.
I am preordering an Otome games I've been waiting more than 15 years to be remastered onto the Switch.
Hakuoki is my favorite Otome Game.
So much so I kept my PSVita to have the games on it.
It's only through digital in the USA on the eShop.
You can get it through playasia in physical, but I cannot do so, because I'm not allowed to have a credit card since I get disability benefits.
I actually save up alot of change and play on survey apps to get me things.
I grind my way up.

Warning slight nudity, not bad.

I had fallen asleep that night curled up into a burrito in my sleeping bag, a fluffy pillow under my head, and I slept peacefully, better than last night, I guess, because I knew I was being watched over, me not afraid that I would be eaten by a monster, that used to be fictional to me before.

What woke me up was I heard talking.
"Milord; can I ask you something?
Why did you let this girl stay?"

"I am bored."
Was all Sesshomaru said to Jaken.

I acted like I was still asleep; me making sure to keep my breathing even, and I heard Jaken ask Sesshomaru.
"Milord; what do you mean you are bored?"

I heard footsteps approach me where I lay; and I heard something kneel next to my body, and I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and then soon shake me.
I groan; me acting like I got woke up.
I open my eyes; seeing Sesshomaru shaking me awake.
"Get up or I will leave you here."
He then stands up, and ran his hand through his long hair.

I slowly sit up; me yawning, my hand covering my mouth, and I look up at him.
"I need to pawdee."
I tell him.

He tilts his head to the side in confusion.
He asked me.

"Um....I need to urinate.
You know humans do that."
I say to him; and his cheeks went pink in embarrassment.
I slowly get to my feet; and say next.
"I'm gonna go behind some bushes, so can you keep watch?"

Sesshomaru turned his back to me, him saying to me.
"Do as you wish."

"No peaking now."
I say to him, and he looked at me over his shoulder, him glaring at me.

"I would never!"
He retorts calmly, and looked forward.

What about me?"
Jaken points at himself.

"If you dare look little green guy then I'll castrate you myself!"
I point at Jaken, and Jaken immediately turned his back to me.

That human is just as terrifying as Lord Sesshomaru!
Jaken thought to himself.

I sigh in relief as I had taken off my pants, and my panties, hanging them onto a limb by me, and I squat in a crab-like way, and let go my bladder.
Once I was done; I used a wet wipes I brought with me, and threw them aside.
I then stand up, and reach for my pants and panties, but they were gone!
I look desperately around, and I heard squeaking, and I look up, seeing a little gray monkey wearing my pink panties over his head, and was flapping my pants in the air like a flag in a rodeo him hopping on two feet in a goofy ass way.

Red String {Sesshomaru Fanfic{18+}Where stories live. Discover now