Delicate Woman

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Here's the next chapter.......

Period blood mentioned!

Another night where Sesshomaru has to protect the useless human girl in his midst, she was sleeping curled up into a bedding she called a sleeping bag, the nights have grown chilly, and he noticed she shivers in the bedding, though she's by a fire.
Sesshomaru decided to lay next to her, to use his body heat, to warm her up, and he wrapped his arm around her, and after awhile, she stopped shivering, and she turned into his chest as she slept, her mumbling out.

Sesshomaru looked down at her; watching her facial expressions, and his heart started thrashing against his chest, as he watched her do so.
She nuzzled against his neck, making him stiffen.
He never met a woman; a human woman, who nuzzled people in her sleep.
Is it a sign she is affectionate?
Very affectionate?
Sesshomaru ran his fingers through her wild dark hair, and she immediately relaxed more in her sleep.
He started to feel sleepy as well; so he closed his eyes, and he drifted off.

I moan out as I slowly felt myself waking from slumber, and I slowly open my eyes, to find Sesshomaru holding me to his chest, him asleep.
I blink in shock at that; me unsure why he slept like this with me.
I shiver; feeling a cold chill go through me, and Sesshomaru on instinct tugged me further into his chest, him letting out a breath into my face that smelled like a puppy's breath, which I've always loved that smell.

I watch him sleep for awhile; that is until my bladder screamed at me to go pawdee, so I gently shake him awake, and he slowly opens his golden eyes, him staring at me.
"Gotta pawdee."
I tell him, and he pulls away from me, his cheeks tinging pink.

I crawled to be on my feet; and start rolling up my sleeping bag, and put it, and my pink pillow into my bag, and I stand up, saying to him, pointing at some bushes.
"I'll go behind the bushes.
Keep watch please."
He nods at me; and I go behind the bushes, and take my pants, and panties off, and hung them upon a branch, and I do that crab walk, and released my bladder, and once I was done, I used a baby wipe to wipe my crotch, and used another to wipe my hands, throwing them over where I released my bladder, then pulled on my panties and pants.

I then come from behind the bushes, and then walk over to my book bag, and start taking out my toothpaste and toothbrush, and walk over to the stream we camped by, and I start brushing my teeth, making sure my teeth are clean, and Sesshomaru watched me do so, a puzzled look upon his face, Jaken even seemed perplexed too.

"What are you doing human girl?"
Jaken asked me as I spat all the toothpaste out of my mouth.

"Grooming my teeth."
I tell him.

"Grooming your teeth?"
Jaken asked me, and I nod as I rinsed my toothbrush off, and wiped it with a cloth to dry it.

"Yes; back home we groom our teeth."
I tell Jaken.

Jaken blinked in shock at that.
"If you don't groom them, then they rot."
I say to him.

Jaken then walked away, him puzzled.
I then put my toothbrush and toothpaste away in my book bag, and zip it up.
I look to Sesshomaru; me saying to him.
"Do I look or smell funny?"

Your mouth I can smell the odd scent from there of what you used to groom it."
Sesshomaru admits honestly to me, his nose crinkling up.

"Does the minty smell bother you?"
I ask him.

He looked away from me, and I saw his cheeks tinging pink once again, meaning he lied.

I then pull out my brush and start brushing my short wild hair, and when I did, it I was not a rats nest anymore, but it's usual spiky way.
I put my brush away and zip my bag up.
"I need to go back home for other supplies."
I tell him.

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