Healing Hand Of The Dog

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Here's the next chapter.......


Sesshomaru had stripped the human girl nude, placed her upon a blanket so that she would bleed upon it instead from her red flower, then covered her core with another cloth, and as Jaken made the herbal remedy for the human girl, Sesshomaru washed her clothes in a river by the old hut, and once they were clean, he hung them to dry outside the hut, and onto limbs of trees.

Jaken handed Sesshomaru the soup with the herbal remedy, and says to Sesshomaru.
"You must help her ingest the medicine."
Jaken handed Sesshomaru a spoon.

Sesshomaru sets the bowl upon the floor, him scooping up the green medicinal soup into the spoon, and had her head resting upon his knee, as he then spoon fed her the medicine.
Her pale complexion from being ill was starting to look a tad bit better as he fed her the medicinal soup.
Once he fed it all to her; Jaken took away the bowl and left the hut.
Sesshomaru sets the human girl's head upon a pillow, and watched her sleep, him putting a hand to her forehead, him still feeling that she had a fever.

When will the medicine work?
Sesshomaru thought to himself.
He then scoffed in his mind.
She's right; she is not my responsibility, but I had chosen to keep her by my side out of boredom.
Am I becoming weak like father was towards mortals?
No; not in the least, but this woman, she is very different than other humans, her smell is very sweet, intoxicating to say the least.
Enough to make my mouth salivate quite often.
I will keep her around for now, however it means I must care for her needs.

"Milord; I am back, so how is she?"
Jaken walked over to the other side of the human girl.

"She is the same."
Sesshomaru replied to Jaken.

"Give the medicine time to work Milord.
Humans heal slower than us demons."
Jaken says to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru leans against the wall of the hut; him watching the human girl rest.
"It is getting late Milord; why not rest?"
Jaken inquired to Sesshomaru, but Sesshomaru ignored what Jaken says to him.

Jaken shrugged; then rests against the other side of the wall in the hut, him closing his eyes, and then fell asleep, but Sesshomaru continued to watch the human girl rest, him not resting at all, and soon enough after many hours, the sun started peeking into the window of the hut, and Jaken still snored away.
Sesshomaru looked to see the sun coming through the window of the hut, and mutters to himself.
"Morning is it?"
He looked to the human girl; him reaching out, and places a hand upon her forehead, feeling her fever broke finally, and that means she will start to feel better he assumed.

He pulls his hand away, and Jaken groaned, him finally waking up.
"Milord; how is she?"
He asked Sesshomaru.

"Her fever broke."
Sesshomaru tells him.

"Thank the gods; I feared she would never break her fever!"
Jaken says to Sesshomaru.
"That means my herbal remedy worked!"

The human girl moaned in her sleep; turning her head to the side, and her eyelids soon twitched, and she slowly opens her eyes, and they blinked rapidly, until her eyes focused on Sesshomaru.
Um.....where am I?"
She asked him.

"You are resting in the place we bunkered down."
Sesshomaru replied to me when I asked him where we are.

"Oh; okay.
I still feel unwell, but not as hot."
I tell him honestly.

"That is good to hear human girl."
Jaken says to me.

"I've always had a weak immune system.
I get sick easy."
I coughed, and Sesshomaru stared at me.
"I'll feel better soon probably."
I tell Sesshomaru next.
"So don't worry about me."

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