The Search For The Doggy

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Here's the next chapter........

Warning; extreme gore and depictions of murder ahead, you gave been warned thoroughly.


I'm so glad I brought my bat; because of these dudes harassing me.
I thought to myself, as I give some men a glare, who approached me from their horses, the leader of the group was commenting about my big breasts.

"She has big breasts unlike any girl I've ever seen!
Bring her to me!"
The leader who was ugly, who had a buck tooth drooled at me in a perveted fucked up way that made me cringe, and the other two men, who looked just as fugly, hop off their horses, and walked towards me.

Let me give you a summary of what happened after I climbed out of the well.....

So after I left the well area; I had walked into an entirely different forest area, which was a long ways away; me exhausted, and found a cave by a lake, and I made sure nothing was in the cave before I set up a fire, and ate two granola bars, and settled to sleep in the sleeping bag I had packed, including my pillow.
The next morning when I woke up; I packed and left, and as I was walking on this dirt road, these dudes I'm looking at now saw me, and their leader that's got the horrendous buck tooth like a rabbit desired me.
So that's what happened.

I haven't let go of my red and black baseball bat; since Inutaisho warned me to bring it with me, and now I'm glad I did, because of these perverts.
When one of them tried to grab me; I swung the bat, hitting him in his back, making him fall to the ground out cold, the other man looked nervous, looking at his leader.
"Get her I say!"
The leader ordered his minion, who looked at me, and then lunged at me, but I hit him in the balls, making him fall on his knees, and pass out in pain.

I look at the leader, me saying.
"You want to be next?"

The leader squeaked in fear as I swat the rear of his horse with my hand, and the horse bucked, and knocked him off the horse, him falling onto his back in front of me, and he gulped in fear, and I then poked the top of the metal bat onto his dick through his kimono.
"Shall I hit your nutsacks so hard they recede into your body to not function?"

He then crawled on his knees, his hands in a praying motion, him pleading for his life.
"Please spare me!
I beg of you!"

"If you had gotten your way, what did you plan to do with my body?"
I ask him, as I lifted his chin with the tip of the bat, so that he would look at me.

"I'd....I would of motorboated your breasts, and stick my pecker in you."
He replied to me.

"How vile; you were going to rape me, now that warrants castration in my opinion."
I sneer deviously at him.

He kowtowed to me; him begging me more, his voice full of fear.
Spare me and my men!
We won't bother you ever again!"

"Next time if I were you; do not think of raping a woman, or the gods surely shall curse you to make you unable to have children, your dick never being able to get hard again."
I warn him, me glaring down at him.

I then perk up; hearing Jaken's shrill voice not far off.
"Milord; where gave you gone?!
Lord Sesshomaru!
Damn he's gone!"

The man before me groveled; tears running down his cheeks; him petrified as he nods furiously at me.
"Yes ma'am I won't think about raping women!
I won't even think about raping children either I swear!"

"Excuse me?!
Have you raped a child?!"
I growl out to him and he whimpered.
"Answer me!!"

He looked up at me, him sobbing out.
Me and my men gang raped a five year old, then disemboweled her!"

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