Why I Won't Watch Yashahime

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I have seasons two through seven now, I plan to get season one and Final Act.
I truly do not like fans in Japan made Sesshomaru marry Rin at 13-14.
Japan has a big problem with pedophilia, and I will not support Yashahime, because marrying a 13-14 year old to a Dog Demon who's supposedly looks and is physically 19 in human years is pedophilia.
Though in demon years he's about 1,000 or 600 years old, in human years physically he looks 19.
That's why I refuse to watch Yashahime.
I know children were married off to old men long ago, but humanity has advanced to be logical, and a proper species overtime, and made laws to where that's illegal, and any media that allows that in their shows or anime; I refuse to watch, since I'm a victim of pedophiles.
Children under the age of 18 cannot consent to marriage nor sex legally, because their bodies and frontal lobe aren't fully mature until 25.
I'm sorry but I'm calling out the pedophilia in Yashahime.
So many anime fans are leaving Japanese anime media due to it, hell because of it I left anime communities online, alot of anime fans like me have turned to Chinese anime/manhua media, and Korean anime/manhua media, which I don't blame them.
I'm severely pissed of Rumiko Takahashi went along with this pairing, which is indeed pedophilia.
If you disagree with me I do not care in the least.
But I'm calling out how problematic Japanese anime and media is with their pedophilia.
As a victim of child sexual assault this is wrong that they made Yashahime and paired Rin with Sesshomaru.
Those who pair the two up are supporting pedophilia point blank.
As someone groomed by a pedophile who sex trafficked me for months on end; I know the signs of grooming, and in the show Inuyasha, there was no grooming in it, only that Sesshomaru was a fatherly figure, but for Shonen Sunday to pair the two up, because Japanese fans begged for it is gross, and as I said, anyone and I mean ANYONE, who supports this pairing needs their hard drive looked into, and their head re-examined.
Please do not be upset with me for how I feel; it's how I feel due to how I was groomed, and sex trafficked by a family member, and how I noticed that Japan has a pedophilia problem when it comes to anime series, and that's why I stopped watching newer ones, because Japanese anime tends to over sexualize teenagers with their outfits, especially in Demon Slayer.
It infuriates me to no end.
I want to get Demon Slayer on DVD though, because come on the only character I like is Muzan, because I love my villains.

Any anime that has this kind of pairing of a minor and an adult I will not watch point blank, lest I have PTSD flashbacks too, and I'm not supporting that crap, pedophilia.
That's why in Ice Heart Toshiro Hitsugaya went through a training room that aged him to be 18, I'm no pedo.

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