Hakudoshi And The Demon Horse Entei!

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Here's the next chapter; enjoy!

Warning mass murder will occur in this chapter, which occured in the anime.

I am rewatching Inuyasha as I write this, but I'm at the end of season five.
I will edit this story if I left out anything from season six.
Also the story won't fully go by the anime.
There will be scenes different from the anime, and unlike the anime that didn't give Sesshomaru much screen time, this book will in fact give him screen time.


Flames riddled the area of another village late at night, the smell of blood littered the area too, and loud screams of human beings echoed for miles as demon thieves slaughtered a village once more, and the village Kara and Lord Sesshomaru had visited, and buried villagers, was these demon thieves' victims as well, and one demon leader was riding upon a horse, a demon horse known in legends as Entei, which this demon thief leader unsealed Entei.

Fire was flowing out of Entei's mouth; the demon horse lighting buildings on fire, and people on fire, screams of more people littered the air, as more of the demon leader's men cut down women, children, men, and the elderly, them laughing sadistically as so, and soon they killed everyone in the village, and left that village, the demon thieves leaving the village, but the leader, for shits and giggles, killed the men he hired, by lighting them on fire, thanks to Entei's fire breath.

He then guided Entei forward, him leaving the area, until they came upon a boy with light purple long hair, and light purple eyes, and Entei knocked the demon thief off his mound.
The demon leader thief then yelled at Entei.
"Entei why have you kicked me off?
I am your master!"

Hakudoshi turned to Entei.
"It seems this demon horse has chosen me as his master instead of you, demon thief."
Hakudoshi smirked as Entei walked up to Hakudoshi, and Hakudoshi jumped upon Entei's mound, and Hakudoshi held a spear he had found within a massacred village, and guided Entei forward, and chopped the head off of the demon thief leader, blood gushing in the air, the demon leader thief's head rolled to a stop upon the grass, and his body fell with a horrendous loud thud onto the scorched grass as well.

This demon horse shall be useful for now.
Hakudoshi thought to himself.
For now I must seek out Inuyasha.


The sun's rays shines upon my pale skin, as I wore a one piece pink swimsuit with blue waves on it, a sun, and a rainbow with clouds upon it, and I was enjoying floating on my back in the cool lake that we stopped by when we traveled to where I came out of the well.
This is so nice!"

Sesshomaru was sitting upon a flat rock by the lake; him watching me splash around.
"Are you sure you can swim woman?"
He asked me.

"Does the dog paddle count?"
I ask him.

He deeply frowned at me.

"I won't go into the water that's up to my neck, so don't worry about me."
I tell him.

"I am not worrying."
He retorts back calmly, he narrowed his golden eyes at me, him scowling.

Right; you're not.
Even I can tell you're lying.
I thought to myself as I sweatdropped.

Sesshomaru looked away from me; and boredly looked up at the blue sky.
"Unlike everyone else here in this era; my skin tone is much lighter, since I'm not from this area in my era originally.
I'm from another country.
So that's why I put cream on my body Lord Sesshomaru.
It's called sunscreen.
It protects my skin from sunburns, and from getting skin cancer, from too many sunburns.
Being in the sun too long and getting burned alot, can in fact give you a deadly disease called cancer."
I tell him.
"I'll need to put some more on soon."

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