Spider Phobia

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Here is the next chapter, please do enjoy it.

Period blood mentioned as well as illness, as well as some swearing will be in this story too.


Sesshomaru fell asleep sitting against the wall that night; because he couldn't stay awake any longer, but before he did, he made sure the human girl was still sleeping, her resting her sick body.
Once he knew she was resting comfortably; he then finally relaxed and willed himself to get much needed rest.
But what woke him up was her groaning; and it was dawn by the time her groaning woke him up, and he saw her thrashing in her sleep, her head moving side to side.
She cried out.
"Don't eat me Pizza The Hut!"

Sesshomaru sweatdrops; him wondering what the hell she was dreaming about, and who was Pizza The Hut?
He gets up and kneeled next to her, and gently shakes her awake, making her open her eyes, and look at him.
She then sits up quickly and hugs him, making him go wide eyed in shock.
"That's was horrible!
Pizza The Hut from Spaceballs was trying  to eat me, gross!"
She says to him, making him entirely confused, him not understanding a word she said.
Then he realized her naked body was hugging him, her big breasts smooshed upon his armor chest plate, and she looked up at him, then looked down at herself, and she immediately pulled away, her covering her arms around her breasts the best she could, but her arms were too small to hide her big breasts, so Sesshomaru reached for the blanket, his cheeks tinged pink, and covered her breasts up, which she took the blanket, and says to him.
"Thank you.
I feel better now."

Sesshomaru says to me.

"I'll need to bathe too.
I'm covered in my own blood from my period too.
I feel gross."
I tell him.

"Keep the blanket around you."
Sesshomaru stands up, extending his hand, and I get up, covering my body in the blanket, and I use my other hand to reach out, and grab his hand, and my other hand was holding the blanket on me, that kept me covered, and he tugged me upon my feet, and guided me out of the hut.

"My bag has things I can bathe my body in, so can you bring it?"
I ask Sesshomaru and he nods, him stopping walking, and went back into the hut, him grabbing my bag, and my clothes that hung up on limbs by the hut, and held it as he walked forward, him guiding me down to a river, and he sets my bag, and clothing, including my shoes upon a flat rock.

"I will keep an eye out."
Sesshomaru turned his back to me.

I kneel down; me grabbing my shampoo and body wash out of my bag, and I unwrap the blanket from my body, and walk into the cool water, and I used the shampoo first after dunking my head into the water, me lathering my hair up, and then I dunk my head in to rinse my hair out with my fingers, and once my hair was clean I then used the body wash upon my body, me washing my body, including my core and butt clean with my hands, then dunked my body into the water, using my fingers to clean my body well, rinsing my body well, and then I get out of the water, grabbing the towel I set out for myself, and dried off.
I noticed Sesshomaru set a cloth for me to wear too for my period with my clothes, and once I was dry, and combed my hair in order; did I dress in my panties first, putting a cloth tied up on it, and pull on my bra next, clasping it together, and then pulled on my clothing too.

I put away my body wash and my shampoo back into my bag, me zipping it up, and I pull my bag over my shoulder, and Sesshomaru still had his back to me, him looking around in front of him, him on guard, and I clear my throat, making him look at me over his shoulder, his golden eyes staring into my soul.
"I'm decent now.
Thank you for taking care of me."
I smile cheerfully at him.
"I owe you my life."

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