Buckle Up Buttercup!

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Here's the next chapter.


The smell of chocolate M&M cookies filtered the home as I had pulled them out of the oven, and set them onto a tray to cool, and immediately Inuyasha walked into the kitchen, his keen nose sniffing wildly.
He stared at the cookies.
"Is that what smells so good?"
He asked me.

"Well yeah.
These are my famous M&M cookies.
My cookies I use sugar substitutes instead of regular sugar, but the M&Ms are made of real sugar though, since there's no sugar free M&Ms in Japan yet."
I tell him.

"I don't understand."
He says to me.

"Right; your timeline never had sugar in things like this, nor chocolate."
I say to him.
"Remember I said chocolate can be deadly to animals?"
He nods.
"It's because of a certain chemical in chocolate.
I'm not sure if you should eat them, since Kagome said you are part Dog Demon.
Dogs can die from eating too much chocolate.
First it starts with seizures, then other things, then death.
Chocolate is poison for dogs.
That's why I made peanut butter cookies for you that are still baking in the oven.
We gotta be safe to say that chocolate could hurt you, and not chance you eating it."
He merely nods.

"You really remind me alot of my mother.
You caring for others, even children."
Inuyasha says to me, a serene look upon his face, his eyebrows not arched.
"It's like I'm seeing her before me."

I then reach up and ruffle his dog ears.
"You keep saying that.
You're gonna make me blush Inuyasha."
I smile warmly up at him.

He stares down at me as I ruffle his dog ears.
I pull my hand away and I heard the timer upon the oven go off, which I turn off.
"Just let the peanut butter cookies cool first Inuyasha.
Remember to not eat too much, or you'll get a bad belly ache.
I love peanut butter too.
If I'm not careful I can eat too much and get sick too."
I set the peanut butter cookie tray upon another metal rack to let cool.
"If there's leftovers, you can take some with you for that fox kid Kagome told me about.
I didn't put any sugar in them, only the peanut butter has a little sugar in it.
It's organic peanut butter too."
I tell him, smiling warmly at him once again.

"I will wait in the other room then."
He turns to leave the room.
"I was only checking on you like Kagome wanted, since the old man mentioned to her you were sad this morning."
He left the kitchen.

Kagome knows if I start baking too much it's a sign I'm sad, so she's worried about me.
I thought to myself, me smiling warmly to myself as I start washing each dish I made each cookie batter in, me humming a random song.

"Oh it smells so good in here."
Gramps walks into the kitchen and greedily eyed the M&M cookies.

"Let the cookies cool Gramps.
I just pulled them from the oven."
I warn him as I set the dishes to dry, and wiped my hands.

"Can I ask what made you sad this morning child?"
He asked me, him walking up to me.

I sigh sadly.
"My Mom."

"Oh; yes it's been many years since she passed."
He pats my right arm.

I nod.
"It still feels like I lost her yesterday too.
It's one of those days I'm sad, missing her."
I tell him, because I was missing my Mom from my world more than anything, so I'm lying to him I'm missing the Mom from this world.

"I understand."
He replied to me.
"Kagome was worried is all."

"I know; Inuyasha told me.
I usually bake when I'm sad."
I tell him honestly.

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