The Reception

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"So tell me Miss Jones, how did you meet our James?"

The question came from an aunt of the bride, Aunt Doreen or Darlene, Maxie couldn't remember which. She leaned forward resting her chin on her hand while she waited for Maxie's story. All the rest of the eyes at the table turned to her, waiting for the story.

"Well," Maxie began with a quick look at Nathan who raised his eyebrows at her expectantly. "I was taking a trip overseas and I needed a subletter for my apartment. I was all ready to leave but no one had shown up yet and then there was a knock at my door."

"And it was James," Aunt Doreen finished.

"It was," Maxie replied. She smiled at Nathan. "We talked for a bit and got to know each other a little. We really made a connection that night."

"You didn't go on that trip did you?"

"No, I did."

"What? My dear, what possessed you to leave after meeting James? I know at least a dozen girls who would give their right arm for your experience!"

"A dozen? I think you're exaggerating, Mrs. Feldman," Nathan interrupted.

Aunt Doreen waved his comment off with a wag of her finger. "I am not, don't be modest James. Let me tell you, Miss Jones, when James was still living here, he could have had the choice of any of the eligible young ladies in our circle. But he was always very particular about who he dated. Well, with an exception or two," she added with a slight grimace of disgust.

"Oh really?" Maxie leaned forward ready to hear more but was interrupted by the sound of soft music. The lights lowered and the bride and groom stepped onto the dancefloor in the spotlight for their first dance. The guests fell silent and watched as the happy couple danced. After a moment, Maxie turned her head and met Nathan's gaze. His eyes were fixed on her with such a tender look that she blushed slightly at the intimacy of it. He lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile and turned back to the dance just as it was ending. The lights came back up and the deejay invited the rest of the guests to dance. Most of their table mates left to dance but Aunt Doreen stayed put gazing at the both of them a knowing gaze.

"James always has known what he wanted. Mind of his own, that one," she said with a raised eyebrow. "Once his mind was made up, that was it. He never wavered. Some might call that stubborn. I like to think of it as knowing your own self." She looked over her shoulder and waved at someone. "Excuse me, won't you? I see someone I need to speak with. You kids have fun tonight." She leaned over to Maxie and added in a stage whisper, "If I were you, I wouldn't let James out of my sight."

She was on her feet and gone before Nathan was even halfway to standing. Maxie laughed and took a sip of champagne.

"You could enjoy this a little less," he muttered sitting back down.

"Nope. This is way more interesting than I thought it would be. So who were these exceptions Aunt Doreen mentioned?"

Nathan laughed, shaking his head. "First of all, it's Aunt Deborah."

"Wow, did I get that wrong. Good thing I didn't use her name!"

"Second," he continued with a tilt of his head. "It doesn't matter who I used to date. There is no one else for me but you, Maxie Jones." He leaned closer and kissed her. "Had enough of the James Reeves stuff yet? Because Nathan West would like to get out of here and spend the rest of the evening with his girlfriend."

"Just a little while longer, please?" She picked up her glass of champagne and finished it off, holding it out to him. "One more glass of champagne?"

He narrowed his eyes, turning a suspicious gaze on her. "Just one?"

"Just one."

He took the champagne flute from her and got to his feet. "I'm holding you to that," he said heading off to the bar.

Maxie, he decided after detaching himself from yet another one of Madeline's old friends, could be quite devious when she wanted. It had taken him a full ten minutes to get to the bar for her glass of champagne thanks to an obstacle course of curious old acquaintances. It hadn't been as bad as he had imagined it would be. After the initial shock of seeing him wore off, there were less stares. And the people who had approached him were mostly Madeline's old friends who were too polite to mention her legal troubles.

He'd avoided coming into contact with many of his old friends. Most of them were in the wedding party anyway and hadn't broken free of all the things that were still required of them. Nathan was hoping to get Maxie away from the party before they broke free and came for him. He knew they were all curious about what his life was like now but he wasn't so sure he wanted to get into it with any of them.

When his turn at the bar came, he asked for Maxie's champagne and then as an afterthought, asked for a beer for himself. The bartender moved away to fill his request leaving Nathan leaning against the bar to wait. He turned and caught Maxie's eye. She waved at him, getting to her feet and motioning towards the hall where the restrooms were located. He nodded back, watching her as she wound her way through the room.

Sometimes he still couldn't quite believe that she was his and he was hers. Particularly after everything they had gone through to be together not to mention all of their baggage they brought to their relationship from before they met. It was a miracle either one of them had managed to come through the other side. The bartender returned and handed over a cold bottle of beer. He was mid drink when he heard it.

"Are you drinking beer at a wedding? Really, living in the middle of nowhere has completely ruined you."

Readying himself for the moment, he turned and came face to face with her. She hadn't changed in the two years since he had last seen her. Her hair was loose around her shoulders falling in dark curls around her face. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow at him and smiled coldly.

"Alone at last."

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