The Vow

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"Your cop buddy just accused me of lying to him," Eric muttered. Nathan stared straight forward, his jaw set. After speaking to Cassie, he was certain that Eric and Chelsea were both responsible for Maxie's current predicament. And one, or both of them, was responsible for Scott's death too. He didn't have any sympathy for Eric Holt at the moment.

"Did you hear me, Nathan?"

"I heard. What did you tell him?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Nathan gave him a sideways glance. Eric was watching him with a narrow glare. "It means, you've been lying to me since your wedding night. It's time you came clean."

Eric took a loud breath, exhaling angrily. "I'm lying. How do you figure that one out?"

"It was just a coincidence that you showed up at the hotel the day after the wedding?" Nathan pointed out. "You were just being a good friend keeping an eye on Maxie for me? Come on, Eric. Your wife is terrified of someone. I think that might be you. What do you say to that?"

"I'd say you're paranoid because you're being forced into a marriage you don't want. How do you know Alicia is terrified of someone? Have you been pestering her?"

Nathan shook his head. "She came to me not twenty minutes ago."

"Stay away from my wife," Eric hissed. Nathan turned his full attention to Eric. His face had drained of color and his eyes sparked with fury. If Nathan had doubts about Eric before, the expression on Eric's face wiped them away completely. Eric was definitely capable of murder.

"Is that what you said to Scott?" Nathan asked as the wedding march began. Both men turned towards the terrace doors, waiting for Chelsea to appear at the doorway. Nathan was confident Eric wouldn't try anything in a room full of witnesses. "Did you warn Scott off Alicia before you decided to kill him?"

"He tried to rape your girlfriend you know," Eric returned as Chelsea appeared in the doorway. "He ruined Alicia too. Scott was a lousy excuse of a human."

"Hardly a reason for murder," Nathan said watching as Chelsea slow stepped closer to them. She was covered from head to toe in white lace and beads. She had a veil over her face of a filmy white material. If Maxie were there, she would hate the whole outfit. He turned away from Chelsea's march down the aisle. He had to marry her but he didn't have to like it.

Eric turned too, leaning over and muttering, "You won't get me to admit to anything. And if you try anything, I will bury Maxie."

Anger coursed through him as Chelsea took her spot next to him. He didn't look at her and he certainly wouldn't touch her. The minister smiled benevolently at them as the music ended. He looked from Nathan to Chelsea, giving them a reassuring nod. Nathan knew he meant well, but he just wanted a quick ceremony. He wanted the whole thing over with. As soon as they were pronounced man and wife, he was going to find Maxie and fix this mess.

"Dearly beloved," the minister began. "We have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony...."

Chelsea shifted closer to him, clearing her throat quietly. He ignored her, focusing his attention on thoughts of Maxie instead. He thought about the first time he saw her and how she lit up the room when she smiled. He thought about their first kiss and the first time she said I love you. He thought about the sheer terror he felt that summer Levi kidnapped Maxie and how he promised himself nothing would ever hurt her again.

"Into this union Chelsea and James now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace."

The minister looked around the room for a brief second. No one ever objected at weddings. Though if there was ever one to object to, Nathan thought, this would be the one.

"I charge you both, here in the presence of God and the witness of this company, that if either of you know any reason why you may not be married lawfully and in accordance with God's Word, do now confess it." He looked from Chelsea to Nathan. Neither of them said a word. With a smile, the minister turned to Nathan and continued. "James-"

"Nathan. My name is Nathan," he said interrupting the minister. He wasn't going to give Chelsea that satisfaction. The minister nodded again.

"Nathan, will you have this woman to be your wife; to live together with her in the covenant of marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live?"

Nathan swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "I will."

The minister shifted his view to Chelsea but before he could continue, there was a commotion at the back. Nathan looked back to see his mother pushing her way through a couple of ushers. He tried to hide his smile but leave it to Liesl Obrecht to make a grand entrance.

"Get out of my way, you peasant! That is my son. Nathan! I am here. Mutter is here! Am I too late to object?" She asked stomping down the aisle. She glared at the minister. "Because I object! Strenuously."

"Mom, it's okay."

She pushed herself between him and Chelsea. "No. It is not." She lowered her voice. "Maxie is here somewhere. You must find her. I have not heard from her in some time."

That was certainly news to him. But it was also nothing he could do anything about at the moment. "I'll find her when this is taken care of. Please?"

Obrecht's mouth thinned into an unhappy line. "You should not marry this woman, Nathan." She turned and gave Chelsea a hard stare. "And you..." She trailed off staring at Chelsea. "You?" Chelsea nodded. "Well. I will let this go. For now."

She stomped to the front row and glared at a man until he gave up his seat to her. The minister cleared his throat, quieting the guests.

"I believe it was your turn my dear. Chelsea-"

From under the veil, a familiar voice said quietly, "Maxie." 

The Marriage of Nathan WestWhere stories live. Discover now