The Accomplice

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Maxie opened her eyes, watching as Chelsea kicked off her heels and walked back to the bed. She paused next to her dress, sitting heavily on the bed. Maxie swore she could hear her humming the Wedding march. There was no way, Chelsea was going to hear that Not if she had anything to say about that! She needed to get out of Chelsea's room and find Nathan. He needed to know that Eric knew more than he had let on about Scott's murder. If only Chelsea would get her act together and leave the room so Maxie could get out.

"Come on," she muttered under her breath. As if on cue, Chelsea got up from the bed taking the grotesque dress with her and went into the adjoining bathroom. Maxie didn't wait another second. She slid out from under the bed and made a beeline for the door. Her mistake was not checking the hall before rushing into it and right into Eric Holt.

"Maxie!" He reached for her shoulders as she crashed into him, steadying her before she toppled them both over. "What are you doing here?"

"Eric! You startled me!" She said, stalling for a minute. "What are you doing up here by Chelsea's room."

"I came to tell Chelsea that Nathan was ready. Come on, Maxie. You're not here to stop this are you?" He frowned, giving her a look that reminded her of Jason Morgan for some crazy reason. "Look, I know you want to help Nathan but he's prepared to go through with the wedding to help you."

Maxie shook free from his grip. "He doesn't have all the facts."

"He's got enough. Do you realize there are two cops downstairs just waiting for you to show up?"

"I don't care. Let them. I'll just tell them what I know." She made a move to push past him, but Eric blocked her path. "Move," she said looking him straight in the eye.

"I can't let you do that."

"Do you have something to hide?"

Eric's eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. "How long were you in Chelsea's room?"

"Long enough!" She lifted her chin defiantly. She wasn't afraid of Eric Holt. "Nathan thinks of you as a friend."

"We haven't been friends in years," Eric hissed. He grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her close. "You're not going to interrupt this wedding."

"Ow! You're hurting me!" She wriggled against him trying to loosen his grip.

"That's the point." He dragged her down the hallway away from Chelsea's room, stopping in front of an open door. He pulled her into the room, letting go of her briefly to push the door closed behind them. Maxie used the moment to look around for something, anything, she could use as a weapon. Her eyes fell on a crystal vase and lunged for it. Eric was faster though, grabbing around her waist and tossing her easily to the ground. Her head hit the floor hard, bouncing against it and knocking her senseless briefly.

"Couldn't let it go, could you?" Eric muttered pacing around the room. "If you'd just stayed out of it all, you'd be fine and back in Port Charles by now. Even if you'd just let the justice system work, you'd have been cleared. Chelsea's story has too many holes to hold up even Nathan knows it."

Eric stopped and glared down at her. "You're not going to stop this wedding, Maxie. Nathan has to marry Chelsea or she tells the cops everything. That can't happen. I'm sorry." She flinched, lifting her arm to block him as he raised a hand but his blow was too strong and she felt herself drift away into oblivion.  

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