The Wedding Day: Maxie

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"Take this." Liesl threw a bag at Maxie and climbed into the front seat of their rented car. They were sitting outside a uniform shop in Bridgehampton. Liesl had gone above and beyond to help Maxie find the location of Nathan's wedding to Chelsea and had even come up with a plan to get Maxie inside. The bag held a plain white shirt and black pants, the standard caterer's uniform.

"No one ever looks at the help. You will get in with very little trouble." She started the car and slid into traffic. Maxie knew she was right. The only person who cared about the staff was the event planner. All she had to do was pinpoint that person and avoid them at all costs. Chelsea had planned the wedding for six o'clock at her uncle's home in Bridgehampton giving Maxie just under two hours to get in, find Chelsea and force her to admit she knew Maxie was innocent. Liesl had wanted to use methods that were less than legal but agreed in the end that this would be the best way to disentangle both Nathan and Maxie.

They parked a block away from the mansion. Maxie ducked down in the back seat and changed into the caterer's uniform while Liesl kept watch. She tucked her phone into her back pocket and climbed out of the car, pausing briefly to lean down to Liesl.

"Thank you for everything."

Liesl flipped a hand, dismissing her. "I would do anything for Nathan. Go put an end to this wretched woman's hold on him."

Maxie nodded and stepped away from the car. She gave Liesl a brief wave and began walking toward the house. It was more of a mansion than a house, she realized as she drew closer. The lawn was expansive and perfectly manicured. A circular drive of red brick intercut a row of identical trees lining the street. Cars were pulling into the drive and just as quickly pulling out.

Valet service, Maxie realized, pausing on the sidewalk. This was a lot more formal than she just a thrown together last minute wedding. Chelsea had been planning this. Possibly from the moment she laid eyes on Nathan at the wedding. How long ago had that been? A week? It seemed like a lifetime. If the valet's were in front, then the caterers were in the back. She scanned the street and spotted another driveway further down the street. That was likely where the catering vans were.

She headed in that direction, doing her best to act nonchalant but her heart was beating in her chest like a drum. A van pulled into the driveway just as she reached it. Taking a deep breath, she hurried after it, hovering near the edge of the driveway as it parked and the driver climbed out. He spotted her immediately and waved to her.

"Come here and take this rack to the kitchen. Barb's been waiting on it for an hour. She'll kill me if she doesn't get it the minute I get here." He pushed a tall rack wrapped in plastic towards her. "Tell her, I'm unloading the ice sculpture and I'll be there soon."

Maxie nodded and took the rack, pushing it towards what she hoped was a kitchen. She saw a group of wait staff leaning against the side of the building near an open door, most likely the kitchen entrance. Nearly all of them were staring at their phones. Getting past them would be easy. If it looked like she was working, they would ignore her. She continued towards the door, pushing the rack in front of her. One of the loitering staffers glanced up at her as she paused at the door. She tossed a withering glare at him as she passed him going through the doorway. As she glanced over her shoulder, she caught him shrug and return to his phone. Breathing a sigh of relief, Maxie shoved the rack aside and hurried down the hallway. She could hear the activity in the kitchen and turned away from the sound.

"Okay, Chelsea. Where are you?" She muttered.

Nathan shifted uncomfortably in the backseat of Marinelli's car. This was the very last thing he had expected to happen but then, maybe having Marinelli and Josh there wasn't such a bad idea. If he could get Chelsea to admit that she didn't know anything about Scott's murder, maybe they would focus their suspicion elsewhere. Fat chance, West, he thought. Chelsea had him exactly where she wanted him. She wasn't going to stop now. Not when she was so close. He just hoped Maxie stayed far away from this wedding. But knowing her as well as he did, this is exactly where she would turn up.

Marinelli pulled up to the house, ignoring the valet completely and parking in the driveway. A valet rushed over to them but Marinelli waved him off with a flash of his badge as he climbed out of his car. Josh turned briefly giving Nathan a worried frown.

"Last chance to back out and let the system work," he said quietly.

"No. Do me a favor though? Keep Marinelli at bay."

"I'll do my best."

Nathan followed Josh up the sidewalk to the front doors of the mansion Chelsea's uncle owned. It was ostentatious and ugly as far as he was concerned. Nothing even remotely close to a home. Insides, he passed through a growing crowd of well wishers. Some looked at him with curiosity, others with blatant hostility. He didn't care. The only thing he cared about was Maxie and keeping her safe and free.

Eric Holt sidled up to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "Hey! The groom's here!" He boomed in an over friendly tone. "Come on," he added lowering his voice. "Chelsea has commanded me to make sure you are ready in time."

"Great," Nathan muttered but followed Eric up a sweeping staircase to a room at the top of the stairs. Marinelli and Josh stayed back, watching him and the room from a spot in the back.

"What's with the police escort?" Eric asked once they were in the room and the door was closed.

Nathan laid his tux on the bed. "They're after Maxie. She's gone missing. You haven't seen her here, have you?"

"What the hell would Maxie be doing here?" Eric asked with a shake of his head. "I would think this is the last place she would want to be today. All things considered."

"You don't know Maxie"

"True. So, are you really going through with this? You're really going to marry Chelsea?"

"What choice do I have? If I don't, Chelsea will see to it that Maxie is charged with murder. For all I know, Chelsea knows enough to really pin it on her. I can't let that happen."

Eric nodded, falling silent for a moment. "Of course not," he said after a minute. "When you love someone, you do whatever you have to do for them. I get it. You're a good man, Jay. I mean Nathan. I can't keep up with your names," he added with a forced chuckle.

Nathan stripped his jacket off and tossed it on a chair. He glanced at Eric out of the corner of his eye. Something was off about Eric today. "Yeah, I know it can get confusing."

"Right. Look, I have to get going. Now that you're here and getting ready, I need to go tell Chelsea. She put me in charge of making sure you knew where to go. You probably didn't know this, but she's forcing me to be your best man. Not that I mind!"

"Couldn't have asked for a better one," Nathan replied.

"Good. I'll be back in a bit."

Nathan watched Eric leave with a bemused frown. Something was definitely up with Eric. Maybe Maxie was right and Alicia Kirkland was mixed up in this murder. That would explain Eric's erratic behavior a little bit. He pushed it back to the back of his mind. Now wasn't the time for that. He had other worries. Like how in the hell he was going to get out of marrying Chelsea Pendleton and where was Maxie?

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