The Confession

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"Alicia? Who killed Scott Chambers?" Nathan pressed.

She shook her head and yanked her arm free. "No, I can't tell you."

"Please, Ali. Maxie is a mother. She has a daughter who needs her. If you know something, tell me so I can help her."

She wiped her eyes. "You always did like the damsel in distress. Some things don't change. Look, I know Maxie didn't do anything except get trapped in a room with Scott. She had to fight him off." She held up a hand. "Don't ask me how I know. I just do. She fought him off and then left him alone in the room. I'll tell that detective if he asks okay? Just don't tell anyone what I said here, please?"

"Alicia, I-"

She stepped away from him, pulling herself together. "I have to go. I don't want them to see me with you."

"Wait, Alicia. Were you having an affair with Scott?"

Alicia frowned, shaking her head sadly. "No. I wasn't. You might ask my mother that question though."

Alicia turned on her heel and practically ran back to the terrace. Nathan followed at a slower pace. He wouldn't get anything out of her. But she did say she would tell Marinelli that Maxie was innocent. She was gone by the time he made it back to the terrace. The chairs were starting to fill up and the minister was at the arbor speaking to Chelsea's uncle. Marinelli had taken a spot on one side of the terrace with Josh on the other. Nathan headed for Josh.

"Where've you been?" Josh hissed at him.

"Alicia Kirkland just told me she wasn't having an affair with Scott but to ask her mother," Nathan replied. "Cassie Kirkland was the one Scott was cheating on Chelsea with. No wonder she wouldn't talk about it."

"Do you think she killed him?"

Nathan shook his head. "No and neither did Alicia. She was scared. Someone threatened her."

"So you're taking the Kirkland's off the list as suspects? I don't know Nathan-"

Nathan cut him off. "You didn't see her. No, Alicia is scared of Chelsea. And someone else. My guess is Eric but I don't know why. Eric's not a murderer. Doesn't have it in him."

"You sure about that? You guys haven't always been friends."

Nathan thought on that a little. That was true. They had been kids when they were friends. He hadn't spoken to his high school friend in years and truthfully had no idea what his old friend was like anymore. It was possible that his friendly act was just that: an act. "I don't know, Josh. The Eric Holt I used to know isn't capable of it. But now? I don't know."

Josh jerked a head at the doorway. "Now might be a good time to find out." Josh thumped him on the shoulder. "I'll talk to him. You stay out of it, okay? Figure out how to get out of this wedding before you ruin your life."

"What about Maxie? You haven't seen her have you?"

"Not a sign of her," Josh replied heading off to intercept Eric. Feeling helpless, Nathan watched as Josh cornered Eric and began asking him questions. He shifted forward attempting to hear what was being said but Josh led Eric away back to the library. Frustrated, he balled up his fist and punched the nearest wall.

"Oh Nathan! What did the house ever do to you?" Cassie Kirkland stepped in front of him, reaching for his hand. She studied it, making sure his knuckles weren't bleeding and then dropped his hand. "Well?"

"Just frustrated," Nathan replied, shaking his hand.

"Ah. Well, honestly I'm surprised you haven't run for the hills yet." Cassie looked around the terrace as the rest of Chelsea's guests filtered in and took their seats. "Why are you marrying her? I know you're not in love with her. What has she got on you?"

"Not me. Maxie." Cassie's head tilted in question. "She told the police that she saw Maxie kill Scott."

"Oh. I see."

"Cassie, I need to ask you something. Were you having an affair with Scott Chambers?"

Cassie's eyes opened widely in surprise briefly before she regained her composure. She sighed heavily and pulled him back into the shadow of the house.

"I was wondering when someone would ask," she said softly. "I'm not proud of it. But yes, I had an unfortunate lapse in judgment. Once. He was a terrible pest afterwards though. Wouldn't leave me alone. I tried to let him down easy but he kept after me. I didn't want Alicia to invite him to the wedding. But she can be very spiteful."

Nathan remained silent. He had learned a long time ago that if someone felt guilty and wanted to confess, you let them.

"He cornered me at the wedding. I assure you Nathan, I wanted nothing more than to get away from him. Thankfully, Eric interrupted him otherwise I don't know what would have happened. I saw him talking to Maxie. And I saw them follow you and Chelsea. I went after them. Scott was terrible. Did Maxie tell you he tried to rape her? She's pretty strong, you know. Punched him in the neck."

"You saw it? Why didn't you step in?" He asked, anger tinging his voice. She had the decency to look ashamed of herself.

"I really didn't want to get involved. Besides, Maxie had things well in hand. Well, she left and I was going to say something to him then but Alicia showed up in the hallway and I had to get her out of there."


"She was in love with him. Can you believe that? Scott never looked at her twice but she was head over heels in love with him. She was marrying Eric because he rejected her. She just never got over him. If I let her, she would have thrown herself at him."

"She knew about the two of you."

"Yes. Unfortunately." She dropped her eyes to the ground. "I made a mess of things. I didn't kill him though, if that's your next question. And neither did Alicia."

"No, it wasn't. I know you didn't."

She nodded. "Thank you. I suppose you'll tell your detective friend about this?" Nathan nodded. "Fair enough. You know what? I'll tell them myself. There's no need to hide it anymore. Maybe it will help you and Maxie too. You're not really going to go through with this are you?"

"What choice do I have? Just because you saw the fight doesn't mean Chelsea's story is automatically discounted. No, I still have to do this." As if on cue, a string quartet began playing music somewhere. She really had planned this. He shrugged and stepped out of the shadows. Eric was free of Josh and was standing with the minister at the flower arbor looking annoyed. He spotted Nathan and waved him over.

Cassie patted his arm affectionately. "Good luck."

Nathan nodded, leaving her behind and walking down the aisle to the arbor, his stomach in knots. He didn't want to do this but there was no other choice. None. He glanced back at Josh who shook his head. Dead end. Nothing left to do. He hoped Maxie was safe somewhere and not anywhere near this wedding. He stood next to Eric and turned to face the guests, waiting for Chelsea to walk down the aisle and wishing that he and Maxie had never come to New York in the first place.

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