The Friend

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Nathan spent an uncomfortable night in Chelsea's spare room, tossing and turning the entire time. He woke with a mild headache and a nagging feeling that he needed to remember something. He laid in the oversized bed and went back over the night before. He'd had far too much to drink, infuriating Chelsea. She'd tried to get close to him but he'd brushed her off. There was something she had said though, something he was supposed to remember. It eluded him at the moment but he would remember it.

Chelsea had pushed him off to the shower to sober him up, not that he wanted to. He'd have drunk until he passed out if she had let him. Maxie had shown up while he was in the shower. He heard her voice and bolted to the living room to intervene if he needed. It killed him not to be able to say anything about what was really happening but he thought he saw a trace of trust in her as she left. With luck, she had taken the hint and called Liesl. He didn't want Liesl to do anything except hinder Chelsea in her plans. He needed time to figure out who had really killed Scott and get Maxie off the hook.

No more drinking like last night though. He needed to be sharp and getting drunk with Chelsea around was a terrible idea. He pulled himself upright, testing the pain in his head. Manageable, he decided and stood up. It was still early, just after six am. He dressed quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket. He wanted to get out of the apartment before Chelsea could stop him for some reason and see Josh. If anyone could help him figure this out it would be his old partner.

He dressed quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket. Pausing at the door, he pressed an ear to it listening for movement. It was quiet but he was well aware that didn't mean anything. He stepped out into the living room, sliding a cautious glance behind him. If Chelsea was still in the apartment, she was still asleep. Without another moment of hesitation, he hurried out of the apartment, foregoing the elevator and taking the emergency stairs. Taking the elevator seemed like standing still and Nathan felt the urge to move.

The city was awake and starting to come alive. The smell of coffee and donuts from a nearby bakery hit him hard as he hit the sidewalk making him feel like no time had passed at all since the last time he had spent the night at Chelsea's apartment. He shook his head to clear the memories. There was no need to wallow in the past though. He had things he needed to do and people to talk to. He hailed a passing cab and climbed in giving the name and address of a diner he used to go to back when he was on the force. The driver grunted in response and pulled into traffic.

Nathan sent a quick text to Josh asking him to meet at the diner and leaned back, closing his eyes. He went back to the night before and tried to piece together as much as he could. Chelsea talked about a wedding. Was she talking about the sham that would be their wedding? Yes, a little but that wasn't what he was supposed to remember. It was Eric's wedding she had mentioned. It struck him as the taxi pulled to the curb. Chelsea had called Eric Holt's wedding a sham.

Nathan paid the driver and went into the diner, his thoughts turning over themselves. He needed clarity on some of them and hoped Josh could provide it. While he waited, he looked at his phone, seeing a text from Maxie and one from Dante. He replied to Dante first letting him know that he and Maxie wouldn't be back right away. Then, after a moment, he opened Maxie's text.

Called your mom. She's on her way. Wish you were here.

He stopped himself from answering. He wanted to but he couldn't tell her outright that the whole engagement to Chelsea was a scam. If he did, Chelsea would be on the phone with Doug Marinelli in a heartbeat and Maxie would be arrested. He wouldn't let that happen. Josh appeared in the doorway of the diner and raised a hand in greeting.He wove his way through the diner to Nathan's table and took a seat, shaking Nathan's hand as he did.

"Thanks for meeting with me Josh."

Josh shrugged and gave him a pleasant smile. "No problem, man. That's what friends are for. What can I do for you?"

"I need to know what's going on with Scott Chambers' murder investigation. Is Marinelli going after Maxie for it?"

"Nathan, you know I can't talk about it," Josh said looking around. He lowered his voice and added, "But since you're one of the best friends I've ever had I think I'll break a rule or two in this case. I don't know details but I can tell you that he's not one hundred per cent set on her as the main suspect. I don't think it would take much to push him that way though."

"I was afraid of that. I know she didn't do it. And before you say anything, as soon as we're done, I'm heading over to the station to give Marinelli a statement."

"That's good to hear. He's been on me for for the last day trying to get a hold of you." Josh leaned forward. "Maxie called me last night and told me you left. Where'd you go?"

Nathan shifted his eyes away. "I went to Chelsea's."


Nathan took a deep breath and said quickly, "Don't lecture me but I agreed to marry Chelsea."

"I'm sorry, what? You, Nathan West, are marrying Chelsea Pendleton? The woman who cheated on you with at least a dozen of your friends. The woman who got you snubbed by most everyone in your graduating class for the NYPD because she asked her uncle to use his influence and get you moved to detective the day after graduation. The woman who nearly got you fired when she purposely misplaced an important evidence file just to make you look bad. You're marrying her. On purpose. What the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm not happy about it, Josh. But I have my reasons-" A waitress paused at their table and set two cups of coffee in front of them interrupting Nathan. When she left, he continued, "She knows something about who really killed Scott Chambers."

"What does that have to do with you marrying her?"


"Come on, man," Josh said with a shake of his head. Nathan took a moment and debated with himself about how much he could safely tell Josh. He trusted him completely but if Chelsea got wind of it there was no telling what she would do.

"Look, she implicated Maxie on purpose. She knows enough about what really happened that night to make whatever story she tells about Maxie that night plausible. I have to stay close to her. If I don't do this," he added, his mouth thinning into a grim line. "There's no telling what damage she could do to Maxie."

"But marrying her?"

"It wasn't my idea but I need you to trust me on this. Can you do that?"

Josh frowned as he nodded. "Of course I trust you, Nathan. But this just seems so extreme."

"I know it but I just don't see another way."

"You could try letting Marinelli and the NYPD do their jobs and figure out this mess," Josh said with a pointed look.

Nathan sighed. "Josh, if I've learned anything in Port Charles it's that sometimes good people have agendas and they'll twist things to suit them. No, this is how it has to be."

"Fine. You're making a mistake though." Josh leaned back in his seat and raised a questioning eyebrow. "Does Maxie know? Because as soon as I'm done here, I'm heading over to her hotel to speak with her. I'd rather not say something dumb."

Nathan nodded. "She knows. Why are you going to see her? Is it an official visit?"

"As it turns out, your girlfriend called me last night after you left her. She's scared and worried to death about you and herself. I'm heading over there to see if I can help somehow." Josh pulled out his wallet and laid some cash on the table for his coffee. He got to his feet and gave Nathan a reproachful look. "I know you didn't ask for it, but if you want my opinion you should come with me and talk to her yourself."

There was quite literally nothing he wanted to do more, but it was out of the question. If Chelsea got wind of it... No. He wouldn't think of that. He couldn't see Maxie. But he could help her in other ways.

Nathan got to his feet. "I can't go. But you can and you should. In fact, this might be the best thing for Maxie and me," he added as an idea of just how to put Maxie's mind at ease over this engagement began to form.

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