The Visitor

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Josh left them a few minutes later, called away by his partner. He left them with a warning to watch themselves and a promise to help any way that he could. When he was gone, Nathan found himself going over the events of last night trying to pin down the moment when Chelsea could have seen Maxie with Scott. It had to be after he left her in the alley. She must have gone back inside when he walked around to the front entrance. The one question he kept going back to was what did she really see?

He rubbed at his eyes trying to collect himself. He absolutely believed Maxie when she said she punched him then left. It wasn't in her to commit murder so easily. Yes, she had stabbed Levi but that had been a life and death moment. His, as a matter of fact. Then, she hadn't even thought about what she was doing. She saw Nathan in danger and reacted. He just didn't think she would react the same way with Scott. The NYPD, on the other hand, might not see it the same way.

He looked up at Maxie who was watching him with a careful gaze. He tried to smile but thought it came off as more of a grimace than a smile. She sighed and sat heavily on the bed. He went to her and sat next to her, taking her hand in his.

"Everything is going to be okay. I know you didn't do this, Maxie."

"Do you?"

"Of course I do," Nathan replied, surprised that she would ask. "Maxie, I know you. I know you wouldn't do anything like this."

"But I did kill Levi," she pointed out as if she could read his thoughts. He lifted the corner of his mouth in a half smile. After the last two years, she probably could.
"You and I both know that was an extreme circumstance. Besides, if you hadn't I wouldn't be here today." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I know you didn't do what Chelsea is claiming you did. The real question is why is she saying it."

Maxie raised her eyebrows. "Really? You have to even wonder?"


"Nathan, she kissed you in front of five hundred wedding guests and then ran after you when you stormed off. You haven't told me what happened in that alley but I'm assuming it didn't go the way she thought it would."

"No, that's true." He turned that over in his mind for a moment. Chelsea was definitely vindictive. Punishing Maxie for Nathan's perceived slights to her was exactly something Chelsea Pendleton would do. "This is all my fault."

"Stop blaming yourself. You couldn't have known what she would do," Maxie told him. "Exactly how pissed off at you is she?"


"Great." Maxie slumped against him. "I'm sorry I dragged you here, Nathan."

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Hey, if I can't blame myself, neither can you. None of this is anyone's fault."

"So, what do we do now?" Maxie asked. "Do we just wait for someone to come talk to us or should we go give a statement without waiting for a cop?"

Nathan frowned. What exactly could they do? Now that they knew Maxie was being considered as a suspect, their hands were tied until the detective taking over for Josh showed up. Stepping forward would get Josh in trouble for sure and Nathan wouldn't do that. He knew for a fact that he needed to talk to Chelsea whether he liked it or not. But, he also didn't want to leave Maxie alone in case the police arrived.

As if in answer to their dilemma, there was a sharp knock at the door. They exchanged a nervous glance as Nathan went to the door. He breathed a deep sigh of relief at the sight of Eric Holt standing in the hall. Eric, too, looked reassured at the sight of Nathan and Maxie still in their hotel room.

"Oh good, you're still here," he said with obvious satisfaction. "I was worried for a minute there. You wouldn't believe the grief they gave me downstairs about giving me your room number."

"Considering all the privacy laws out there, I would," Nathan replied with a half smile. He stepped aside for Eric to enter. "How did you get it?"

"Bumped into that cop friend of yours. Josh? I haven't seen him in years; looks different in normal clothes."

Nathan closed the door behind him. "Aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon?"

"Yeah, that. Turns out when someone gets murdered at your wedding, the cops don't like it when you tell them you're leaving town. You should have seen Alicia go toe to toe with that Detective Marinelli. I'm pretty sure if her mother hadn't intervened he would have arrested Ali just to make a point."

"Detective Marinelli?" Nathan repeated with a sinking feeling. "Doug Marinelli?"

"Yeah that sounds right. Friend of yours?"

"No. Not at all." No wonder Josh was so fast to warn them. Doug Marinelli was up for the same promotion as Nathan had been when he was with the NYPD. Nathan had gotten it and Marinelli wasn't afraid to tell everyone how little Nathan actually deserved it. The man was notorious for holding a grudge.

"Figures," Eric returned with a shake of his head. "I was hoping it was someone you might have influence with just in case..." He trailed off giving Maxie a side eye glance. "At any rate, Ali and I can't go anywhere until the cops say so. I came over to see if you knew what was going on because that detective asked a lot of questions about you and Maxie. I didn't want you to be blindsided. I guess Josh beat me to it."

"Thanks," Nathan replied cautiously. It was exactly something Eric would do but something about it felt off to him.

Eric shrugged and turned to Maxie. "How are you holding up? I'm sorry your introduction to Jay's old friends has turned into this mess."

"Oh, I've had better days," Maxie admitted.

"I believe it. Wish I could help."

Nathan's eyes narrowed. "Do you mean that?" Nathan asked. Eric's offer of help was less than sincere but he could use it.

"Of course I mean it, Jay."

"Good, I need a favor. Can you stay here with Maxie for a little bit? I need to go talk to someone."

Eric and Maxie both looked at him, surprised, but it was Maxie who jumped up in protest. "No way, Nathan. Where are you going? I'll go with you."

"Not this time, Maxie. Please, I need you to stay here with Eric. Do this for me, please?"

She folded her arms over her chest defiantly. "Tell me where you're going."

"I'm going to talk to Chelsea."

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