The Wedding Day: Nathan

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"Gone? Gone where?" Nathan demanded.

"I don't know. I sent Evie to wake her for breakfast. I certainly didn't want to embark on our plot on an empty stomach. I mean, facing down that police detective is daunting enough but on an empty stomach? Heavens, could you imagine?"

"Deborah. Where's Maxie?"

"I don't know!" Deborah exclaimed, getting back on track. "Evie went in to wake her and said she was gone. All of her bags too. I'm afraid she's doing something foolish."

Nathan sighed heavily. "She wouldn't be Maxie if she didn't. If she comes back, do not let her leave."

He ended the phone call, feeling more frustrated than ever. What the hell was Maxie thinking? They had a plan and she was going to ruin it with her wild ideas. Then again, she wouldn't be Maxie if she did everything that was expected of her. He dialed Josh's number but it went straight to voicemail. He swore under his breath again. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to.

He stood in the middle of Chelsea's apartment wondering what the hell had happened to their weekend getaway in New York. None of this was supposed to happen. They were going to go to a wedding, have some champagne and head back to the hotel for a romantic night together. Instead, they were stuck in the middle of a murder investigation and being forced into an unwelcome situation with his ex. Worse, Maxie's freedom was at stake simply because his ex had an ax to grind. He wasn't going to let anything happen to Maxie though.

No matter what crazy idea she had right now, he was going to stick with his original plan. He just had to have faith that Josh would come through. Chelsea had done her part by leaving him alone in her apartment. If she knew anything at all or had anything that would clear Maxie, it was possible she didn't cover her tracks completely. There might be something in the apartment worth finding.

An hour later, he had searched the entire apartment and come up with nothing. Chelsea was thorough. But then, he hadn't expected her to have the murder weapon stashed in her apartment. He didn't know what he expected but he had hoped it was be something, anything, that he could use to clear Maxie. Frustrated, he called Maxie again but he got her voicemail.

"Max. I don't know what you're up to but I thought we agreed to a plan. You are supposed to be with Deborah right now. Where are you? Call me." There was a knock on the door just as he ended the message. "Be Maxie," he muttered opening the door.

It wasn't Maxie though. It was Detective Marinelli and Josh, who looked as worried as Nathan had ever seen him. Marinelli peered around Nathan into the apartment, looking for something or someone.

"What can I do for you Marinelli?" He was immediately on edge. Josh was not supposed to be here. He should have been at Eric Holt's pressuring Alicia.

"I'm looking for Maxie Jones. Is she here?"

"Why would Maxie be here?" Nathan asked trying to keep calm.

Marinelli shook his head. "May we come in?" He didn't wait for an answer but pushed past Nathan and into the heart of Chelsea's home. Josh followed and closed the door behind them. He gave Nathan an apologetic look but remained silent.This was obviously Marinelli's show. Josh had only come along to help Nathan if he could.

"Maxie isn't here," Nathan repeated. "Why would she be?"

"I had an interesting conversation this morning with Chelsea Pendleton. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding by the way." Marinelli continued to look around the apartment as if Maxie was hiding behind the couch. "She told us a very interesting story. Would you like to hear it?"

Nathan flicked a quick look at Josh who gave away nothing. "You're probably going to tell me anyway."

"Your fiancee claims that she saw Miss Jones leave the room Scott Chambers was murdered in but that he was most definitely alive when she left. That's quite lucky for Miss Jones isn't it? But here's the thing, West. That was exactly Miss Jones' story too.That's a coincidence right? Maybe. But here's what I think. Chelsea Pendleton is in love with you and I think you and your girlfriend cooked up this story to cover for her and convinced Chelsea to go along with it by agreeing to marry her."

He almost laughed at the absurdity. "Marinelli, you couldn't be more wrong."

"Really? Enlighten me."

Nathan exchanged a look with Josh who only shrugged. He could spell it out for Marinelli but the man wasn't likely to believe him. Where the hell was Maxie in all this?

"Chelsea saw whoever killed Scott but it wasn't Maxie. She's using her knowledge to blackmail me into marrying her."

"Since when did you do anything that wasn't completely legal, West? Are you telling me that you're agreeing to marry this woman just to keep her from pinning a murder on your girlfriend?"

"Framing her for something she had nothing to do with," Nathan shot back. "Yes."

Marinelli shook his head. "You've changed, West. Never thought you would bend the law for anyone. I still want to speak to Miss Jones. Right now, it's her word against Miss Pendleton's. And I've seen your girlfriend's record. Why don't you tell me where she is and save us a lot of trouble."

"I don't know where Maxie is, Marinelli. You're on your own there."

Marinelli narrowed his eyes at him. "Am I? Well, I understand you're getting married in The Hamptons today." He jerked a thumb at Josh. "Why don't your pal and I tag along with you in case she crashes your wedding? In fact, we'll drive. We'll give you thirty minutes to get your things together."

Marinelli pushed past him to the door, leaving Josh and Nathan alone. Josh sighed and held the door open. He turned to Nathan and offered, "Sorry man. I know you thought we could fix this, but Chelsea has done a number on Marinelli."

"You don't think he believes me then?"

"Hell no. And even if he did, he's practically salivating at the idea of making your life miserable. Look." Josh glanced over his shoulder. "I hope Maxie stays far away from Bridgehampton. But I hope you come to your senses and forget about marrying Chelsea. Let the justice system work. See you downstairs," he added before leaving Chelsea's apartment.

Nathan stared at the closed door. Where in the hell was Maxie?

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