The Threat

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Nathan watched Maxie leave with Deborah Feldman, waiting for them both to be well out of the restaurant before making his way back to the booth. Chelsea was deep in conversation with Alicia and Eric Holt but froze in place when she saw him coming. Eric got to his feet and offered his hand to Nathan.

"Hey, it's good to see you! Ali and I were just catching up with Chelsea. She says your mother is in town? I'm not ashamed to admit that I am dying to meet the woman considering all the stories we've heard." Eric rocked a little on his feet out of sheer enthusiasm. Nathan raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a little shake of his head. The last thing he wanted was to show Liesl off like some circus side show. Eric shrugged and continued, "Ali and I were having dinner with her mother but you know Cassie. Off gossiping with friends."

"It's good to see you both," Nathan replied flicking a gaze at Alicia. In their younger days, Alicia Kirkland was always put together and polished. Tonight, she looked tired and distracted. She also looked less than pleased with Nathan's presence.

"James." She nodded curtly and slid out of the booth. "I haven't seen you since Eric told me you and Chelsea were getting married. Congratulations. I guess we'll see you tomorrow. Come on Eric. Let's find my mother."

She snatched Eric's hand and pulled him away leaving Nathan alone with Chelsea. "What was that about?" He asked sliding into the booth. "Why will I see them tomorrow?"

She picked up her glass of wine and took a small sip before answering. "Because I've asked them to be witnesses at our wedding tomorrow."

"What? We're not getting married tomorrow."

"Of course we are."

"No. We're not," Nathan returned firmly. "I agreed to this sham wedding but there was never a timeline. I'm not going to be forced into a quickie wedding to satisfy your ridiculous idea of retribution."

"We made a deal, James. You seem to be having some trouble remembering that. We're getting married tomorrow before you completely ruin everything."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked giving her a narrow look.

"Aside from the fact that you've been absent since we made our deal, disappearing whenever you felt like it, and your idiotic mother showing up at my apartment wanting to be a part of my wedding, you broke your word."

"I'm sorry, I broke my word? On what?"

"Maxie Jones." She leaned forward and lowered her voice, practically hissing, "You couldn't stay away from her could you? One look at her and you forgot all about our deal? Remember, you are not supposed to be anywhere near her. But the minute you two are in the same place at the same time, I find you in a corner kissing her? You are unbelievable."

Nathan clamped his jaw tight, trying to keep himself from responding. Obviously, she had seen them in the hallway and the last thing he wanted to do was provoke her any more than she already was.

She rolled her eyes at his silence. "I should have known you had no intention of marrying me. You always talked a good game but you never followed through. Well, not this time, James Nathan Reeves. This time, you are going to do what you promised."

"I didn't promise to marry you after a two day engagement," Nathan shot back.

Chelsea waved away an approaching waiter and slid out of the booth. "I'm changing our terms. You couldn't be bothered to hold up your end and stay away from that guttersnipe Maxie Jones. So tomorrow, you and I are going to my Uncle Jim's home and he is going to marry us. You remember my Uncle Jim? The judge? He's got our marriage license ready and I've got the witnesses lined up. We're doing this."

She turned on her heel and started away from the table. Nathan was on his feet in seconds stalking after her. Outside, she paused under the restaurant awning as a light rain was began to fall. She ignored him, staring down the street at the oncoming headlights.

"Chelsea," he said in an attempt to get her attention. She flinched but didn't look at him. He softened his tone. "You do know I'm not going to marry you tomorrow, don't you? Look, we used to mean something to each other. Don't continue this. It isn't worth it. I'm not worth ruining your life for."

"Marrying you would be ruining my life?" Chelsea flicked a curious gaze at him. "I don't see how that's possible. I've loved you for as long as I can remember. Even when you didn't love me, I loved you. I did everything I could to get your attention and hold it. Marrying you and being with you for the rest of my life is all I've ever wanted." She folded her arms over her chest and looked away again. "I'm sorry if you don't appreciate my methods, but I won't regret this for a moment."

Nathan took a deep breath. Even with all the anger he had for her and what she was doing to Maxie, he still felt a little sorry for her. Not enough to go through with her sham marriage though.

"Chelsea, please, if you do love me like you say you do, don't do this. Tell me what you know about Scott's death and help me clear Maxie. Please."

Chelsea's shoulders stiffened as she turned back to him. "No. I don't think you've figured this out yet, James," she replied emphasizing his given name. "I am not interested in helping Maxie Jones in the slightest. Haven't you heard a word I've said? I love you James. We are meant to be together."

"No, we're not. We were miserable together. Maxie makes me happy. Maxie," he added firmly, "is the woman I am supposed to be with. Maxie is the woman I want to marry some day. Not you."

"Really? What a saccharine sentiment. It's unfortunate you feel that way." Chelsea stepped to the curb and flagged down an oncoming cab. It slowed and came to a stop in front of them. "It's just going to make tomorrow that much harder for you.""

"I'm not marrying you tomorrow, Chelsea."

Chelsea opened the door, looking back at him over her shoulder. "Make sure you have a tux. It's going to be formal."


"Don't even think about backing out on our deal James Reeves. I can still send your precious Maxie to prison and I will do it. Don't test me." She settled in the back seat and gave him a sly smile. "I wonder what she would look like in prison orange? Do you want to find out?" She slammed the door shut, leaving Nathan staring after the cab as it pulled away from him. He didn't know what she had planned, but he knew it wasn't good for Maxie.

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