Chapter Nine - Meeting my Partner.. Well maybe

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Shishikibobs notes

Well everyone I'm back from spring break. How is everyone? I hope you are awesome. Lol lollipops , random moment... onto the story


No one's P.O.V.

Today was the day Zack and his sister would meet their partners. Rain had told them training would start the day after today. After we heard that we knew we both need to make a routine. Rain also informed us that we would be getting a couple things so we could still get education. What a kill joy.

Rain had a key to Jenn and Zack's room which they didn't know. She surprised us when she came in and knocked on our doors.

Rain's P.O.V.

I walked over to Zack's door first and banged on it. I could hear him fall out of his bed with a thud. Jenn just walked out her room looking at me if I were crazy. She didn't like me as well , I could tell.

Jenn's P.O.V.

I open the door to see Rain about knock on it. I give here a good death stare then I slammed the door in her face. Harsh I get that but she woke me up from my slumber. No one does that. I think she got the memo.

As soon as I heard the door at the end of the hall close I went to my closet. Which needed more outfits in it. They stocked my closet with girly clothes and a few training outfits. Annoying. Then there were the clothes I brought.

I grabed a jacket and a grey t-shirt that I brought. Then for my pants I picked out a pair of blue training pants and a pair of light brown leather combat shoes.

When I was dressed and freshened up I opened the door and walked in to the living room to see Zack and Rain . ( I took a shower and the other stuff you do when you get ready. NO MAKEUP DUH I'M ONLY 6!!)

Zack's P.O.V.

I look over when I hear Jenn's door shut. Atleast she looks like herself. Rain had told me that someone picked out Jenn's wardrobe.

I knew she wouldn't like the girly clothes that Rain told me about.

So far as I know of we really need to go shopping not just for food and things that we need around house, but now clothes for both of us.

" You do know you are wearing training pants don't you?" Rain looked at Jenn when she said this.

" Who put those clothes in my closet? They are all girly." When Jenn made this remark Rain went over to her and slaped her.

" Don't smart off to me little girl! I've had enough of your glares and your comments!" Rain yelled in Jenns face.

When Jenn turned around her eyes were the red color. Whenever they were red she was thirsty or the Fire Demon wanted out.

Jenn's P.V.O.

Rain had just slapped me. I felt so many emotions come to me really quick. Then it was heat. I knew that the Fire demon wanted out. I had tried so hard in my past to conceal it. I haven't mastered it yet. " No one gets away with hurt my host!" My voice wasn't my voice it was a man's voice.

Zack knew what was going on. My eyes were red, and I felt heat arise in me. He has almost came out. Just then Zack leap for me. We both fell on the ground.

" Jenn hold him in don't let him win! " Zack kept whispering in my ear. I shut my eyes real tight.

* Flashback*

My Father and I were standing in the field where we practiced fighting and just to have fun. While we were fighting I fell down. I was now laying on the ground with Fire all around me.

'' Jenn when the Fire Demon comes out try to focus on yourself. Think of things you want to protect in life. People you love and care about. Let that help you get though this when it happens. All right?" My father was yelling out to me.

I had tried to do this and the fire went down and I felt relieved. My father rushed over to me.

" Are you okay now?" He asked. I slowly nodded my head. " Just remember what I told you, and you will be fine. I promise."

*Flashback ends*

I had thought of what my father told me . It helped a lot. The heat had finally gone down. When Zack knew it was safe he had gotten off of me and helped me up.

Rain's P.O.V.

I stood there scared and shocked at the same time. Mostly scared. She had red eyes. She was going to hurt me or even worst.... She might have killed me. I must have triggered something. Something pretty bad.

I need to find out more about the Fair family.

Jenn had finally calmed down. All I said was " Let's just go shall we."


Shishikibobs Notes

Well what do you think? I know it wasn't much. More flashbacks to come. I promise you that. I do have an idea about something. But anyways.... You will see more off Zack and Jenn's past soon. I promise you that. Well have a good day, good evening, and a goodnight.

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