27. Zack's Proposal

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27. Zack's Proposal




"Make sure you get the corner!" I yell to Devin as he ran. A shooting noise from somewhere makes me flinch. "Miss! On your call!" Some on shouts into the headphones.

I look around trying to catch my breath. "Now!" I yell point my gunblade at the targets and shoot at them all.

You must be wondering what are you doing? Well, I'll tell you. I've been keeping myself busy. Zack hasn't been back in a year and I only get a few letters from him every now and then. He missed my 15th birthday even.

"Jenn!" I look back in time to dodge a knife being chucked at my head. I grab the knife and chuck it right back at the person making him go down.

"We're in the middle of a war Fair! Head in the game!" A higher officer yells running past me. I don't know how much longer I can take. "We've been at this for hours! Where's the break?" I shout crashing into some people.

"That was the last one." Devin comes up to me smiling. We high five before laughing. "Jenn." I turn around only to be hugged by Kegia. "Hi." I say pulling back looking down. "Your post got the most action." He looks around and so do I.

Countless men were laying down. Blood was spilling from them. I walk around them before I hear a crunch under my feet. Looking down, I see a piece of paper.

"A family." The picture was of a man and women with them holding a baby. I gasp thinking of what I had just done. The guy that was laying in front of me, had a family. And I, just destroyed it.

"Jenn?" Devin grabbed my shoulder and I shook it off. "Not now." I say in a low voice as my grip struggles to not ruin this bloody picture.

"Jargon told me to stay in the light. I'm starting to figure out what that means now." I say as I squat down and put the the picture in his front pocket. "I'm sorry." My head bows as I close my eyes.

"You're sorry? You're sorry!?" I look up at the upper commander and stand up. "Yes! I am!" I scream in his face. "How would you feel to know that your wife died from someone killing her? How would you feel to have your family ripped apart?!"

"I'd kill the person who did it." I nod to his response. "That is why I'm sorry. That kid in the picture," I turn around looking at the sky. "He won't have his dad to grow up with. No one one to teach him the things he needs to become a good man."

I start walking only to have Keia transform. She growls looking at me. "Keia?" I reach out to pet her. She just ran at me making me get on her back. "Keia! Jenn!" Devin yells.

"Keia, where are we going?" She didn't answer. As the clouds started to roll in I saw the gates of Midgar. "Keia?"

She ran through the countless amount of people and cars and in the doors of the Shinra building. She slid on the floor as she went for the stair case. Keia ran up stairs faster than I could make out the door numbers.

"Zack?" I ask looking at the chart on the door. I open the door to see the doctor wrapping his arm up. "Jenn. I thought you were suppose to be on the front line." The doctor left as tears formed in my eyes.

"Zack!" I ran jumping up into his arms. He grunted but held onto me. I didn't even try to stop the tears. "I'm back Jenn." He brushed my hair hugging me tighter.

I wiped my tears looking up at him. "Your hair. It's longer." I twirl his bang piece before laughing. "It's longer than mine by an inch." He laughed looking at my hair. "You cut it again?" I nod twirling around.

"How about next week we go to the beach. I've been let of for a break and I asked for you to be off too." I nod excited before Keia comes in. I hug her and when I hear her purr, I know she's back to normal.

"Thank you for bringing me to him Keia." She licked my face before going over to Zack. He scratched her behind the ear before putting his shirt on and opening the door for us. I sighed leaning against the door.

"You should go up stairs and shower." Zack grunt's as he tries to sit up. "No don't sit up. I don't need to shower right now." I look down before my eye brows frowns. My body was covered in blood. I pulled a strand of hair out to see it a darker red than my hair actually is.

"Zack. I was thinking today when I was fighting." I stop to sit up on his bed. "Jargon told me to stay in the light, but I feel myself sinking in the dark." Zack stopped me by bringing me into a hug. "Soon, you won't even have to worry about the darkness. We'll be long gone."

I look up at him with a smile. "Really? What do you mean?" He smiled ruffling my head. "After we get back from the beach, they have one more mission for me. When it's over, we're running away." He whispered to me making me smile big.

We can finally be free soon.

No more killing for other people.

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