Chapter 18 - Special Day

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" Jenn! You've got a letter!" I groaned and snuggled more into my warm blankets. Next thing I knew I didn't have any blankets.

"Here's your letter. " Zack threw something at me that I figured was the letter. I groaned once more before tearing the envelope open to find a sheet of paper. Before I could even look at it because something hard hit my head and it was followed by another blow. " Oww what the hel-" I stopped talking when I looked over to see my brother and Vincent holding a cake in their hands.

" Happy Birthday!" They both said together. I forgot it was my birthday..... I FEEL SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't blame me way too much. I've been way to busy to even keep track of my days.

" Thanks you two." I say before looking at the two thing they had thrown at me. Two boxes were laying on the other side of the bed. I picked up one box and looked at it. " Hey when you've opened them come to the kitchen so we can have some cake. Get dressed too. " Vincent said before disappearing with my brother.

The first box I opened was from Zack. Inside was another box. " Okay.." I say as I open the other box that has tissue paper and newspaper. Once the paper was out of my way sat a little treasure chest. I tried opening it but it didn't budge once. That's when I saw the letter in the box.

On the front was 'Jenn' but the thing that bugged me the most was that it was in my mother's writing.


Happy 11th Birthday sweetie. By the time you read this I would have been long gone. I'm sorry we couldn't spend more time with each other. This chest can only be opened to the people in our clan with the fire demons. That's was only your great great grandfather, at least until you came along. No one knew how he opened so I wish you good luck on it, and in hopes that you'll be able to open it somehow. I love you my sweet girl. Your father and I wish you the best birthday.


So this box is going to be a job to open. Great. Oh what do you know there's another box in this box. I opened the next box to find some more training outfits and a bottle of fresh blood. Wonder where he got this thing from.

The other present was from Vincent. Inside was a book for battle plans. The book was over a 100 pages long full of tips and things like that. Then there was a fake rose with a string attached to it with a little side note. " Until this flower wilts, I wont leave your side Little Crush." My stomach was flipping inside a little.

The last thing was another little box that had a bow tie on it. I gaps when I saw what was laying inside the little box. It was a golden ring with a green leaf, brown leaf, and a red leaf. On the outside of the leaves were vines that connected to the ring its self. Beautiful was all I could think.

I sighed and looked at the letter I was about to open. I just decided that if it was really important they would come get me so I'll just wait until I eat some cake.

I slowly walked into my closet and picked out a pair of blue training pants and a black long sleeve shirt. " Keia!" I shout from the bathroom. She came in her big from with he hair messed up in many places. After brushing her I put on the necklace I pick up the other day around her neck before putting my two necklaces and ring on.

" Come on Keia. We have cake to eat." I say jumping a little.

When I got into the kitchen Vincent and Zack were leaning on the island. " Let's eat some cake now!" I scream while running to the cake with Keia walking behind me. I grab a plate before fetching a fork. The cake was so amazing.

" Where did you get the cake?" I asked while slouching in my seat. " It came out of the oven." Zack said before laughing. I just smiled and got up before walking back to my room. " Jenn don't be too long alright? " Vincent yelled from the kitchen.

I needed to see what this letter was all about. It was still on my bed right where I left it laying. The paper was strange but it seemed so familiar to me.

Zack's P.O.V.

" Do you have everything ready?" I asked Devin who was now on the other line of the phone. " Well how long do we have until she comes down here?" He responded sounding nervous.

" Well take the long way around. 30 minutes or so." You could hear something in the back ground fall over. " See you then Zack." With that he hung up on me.

Great. They better have things ready or I swear. " Hey Jenn ready to go on a walk and then to lunch?" I was broke out of my thoughts by Vincent who was talking to my sister.

I turned around to look at her. Her face was straight but her eyes were all over. She looked at Vincent and given him a fake smile. Wonder what got her in a bad mood.

We all got in the elevator and went to the main floor. Vincent and I lead Jenn down to the conference room. I took a quick glance in the small window in the door to see no lights on in the room. I'm glad they got it done before I brought her here.

Vincent opened the door and stood to the side " Ladies first." Jenn put on another fake smile and walked in and we followed after her. I flipped the lights on and everyone shouted, "Happy Birthday Jenn!"

Jenn's P.O.V.

I jumped a little and backed up into Zack. The setting it look a little like how mother and father set up my party when I was little.

" Thanks, but... um.. I'll be right back." I went around Zack and Vincent to the door. Once the door was closed you could him them talking. " She wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" The voice belonged to Devin.

" She''ll be back soon." Zack said followed by a sigh. I felt bad for leaving but I need to take in the idea that they made it look my childhood tradition party.

I started walking back to the conference room while thinking about the letter.

Who could want me to come back home. As far as I knew everyone was dead from my village. In the letter it had told me that a village was rebuilt there. It didn't really tell me why I was being called there. The elder had just asked for me and only me.

When I walked in everyone was still there which made me feel guilty for them waiting for me, but I was also excited because I had such great people around me that waited on me for 45 minutes while I tried to keep my cool.

" Sorry for keeping you all waiting. I just needed some air." Everyone smiled as I joined in on their conversations.

After everyone left I made a quick trip to Lazzards office and told him I would be gone for a little while. He agreed and let me go with no further questions.

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