Chapter 19 - Home sweet home

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Hello Wattpad! It's Shishikibobs! Happy New Year!! I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while! This book is getting close to the end. Don't worry sequel's will be made! I just don't know when, but I promise I'll get it out there! Also it will be much more organized than this one was. My only problem with this one was the first few chapter. Welp here is another chapter! ( 1-4-2014__1-7-2014)

Jenn's P.O.V.

From the way I want to travel it will take me a while to get to my home town. I plan on going the long way home just to see different towns. " Come on Keia, let's go to.... Kjiara first. It looks about a day or two from here." I say laying against her looking at a map on my tablet. It was a day since we've left Midgar and I'm beginning to miss my brother and Vincent.

Night had fallen on the land so we sat up camp in a space that was circled with trees. Six were surrounding us. I had found some sticks and twigs to build a small fire. It wasn't very hard considering we were beneath trees.

I put fire to my hands and lit the wood giving some light to the darken place. Soon Keia and me were snuggled next to the fire enjoying the heat and the stars above.

Finally after traveling we finally made it to Kjiara. My mother had always told me this was her favorite place to visit when she wasn't working. It made me smile at that memory. I found a hotel that could keep us for our short stay.

Without dropping anything off at my hotel room I walked out with my room key in hand and walked around the busy streets of Kjiara. This town was made mostly of markets, and at the center of the town was a huge fountain that was lit up with lanterns in the water.

I sat on one of the benches and got out a sketch book and a pencil and started drawing the fountain. I cant wait to show Vincent this. He told me once that he loves drawing. This would be great as a small present.

After a while of drawing I remembered I didn't even tell Vincent goodbye. This thought made my face turn into a frown. He's put such an effect on me since Jargon's death, and I was grateful to have a friend like Vincent.

I stood up noticing the sun had sat. Keia and I walked down the streets that were still as busy as before. It's was amazing at night time. When we reached the hotel room I walked in, locked the door, and laying down for bed not even bothering to change my clothes.

The next day we left the town after eating at a sushi shop. Our next to last destination was a place that was holding a festival this week. I was planing on staying there for two days and leaving the third morning. Tifiji!

Tifiji was almost the size of Midgar but smaller. It was kind of three firths the size of Midgar, but it was still amazing.

The festival they had going on was the new blue full moon festival. Sadly though this year theres not going to be a full moon for their festival. Instead it's going to be my worse enemy. A new moon.

I'm planing on spending it here so I can blend in with people. Soon the night came and I was in my hotel room staring into the mirror waiting for myself to change.

The roots of my hair started to turn brown as the color work it's way down to the very tops of my hair. As soon as that finished changing my eyes start to turn a different color. From the top of my eye to the bottom an icy blue filled them. If you put me up to my Father I'm a spitting image of him.

Soon I was putting on a kimono that
I had picked in the market earlier. It was dark blue covered in moons. The kimono went just above me knees. I then slipped on some sandals. For my hair I just tied it up with a ribbon so it would be off my neck for once.

Outside it was beautiful. The streets were lit up like it was day. Lanterns were lighting up the sky. When I got to the center of the town it had an open space where there was a calendar. It had all the faces of the moon and on the middle was a huge blue moon.

" Wow." I mumble to my self. " What's a fine young lady like you doing out on the streets alone?" I turn around to see a guy dressed in blue pants and a grey top that didn't have any sleeves. " The name's Kegia." He smiled at me.

"Umm hi Kegia." Right after I said that he started laughing. "So tell me what is a young lady doing on her own?" He started to walk with me. "Well I'm just traveling. I'm leaving in the morning though." His eyebrow went up as he looked over at me.

"Mind if I ask where your traveling? You look quite young to be traveling alone." Well that just makes me fell little. "I'm pretty sure I can take perfectly care of myself." I say turning to him and looking him right in the eyes. 'They're like mine. Golden.'

"Alright so am I going to have to make a name for you or could you tell me your real name?" I roll my eyes as I pay for dango stick. "I think it would be more safer for the both of us if you didn't know my real name." Kegia looked at me with a real weird look.

"Alright tell me a name you've always wanted to be called." He demanded as we sat on a bench enjoying on dango. "Hmmm." I say think about it. " Sai."

"Well Sai, it's nice to meet you." He says extending his hand. "So tell me how old you really are. I'm 14." Kegia started chewing on his dango. "11. It's getting late so I'm going to turn in. I have to leave early." I say standing up.

"Here." He said said standing up and handing me a piece of paper. "If you ever need me. I work as a Solider in Midgar. Maybe you can visit one day." He said walking away.

Kegia works as a Solider? I'll visit him when I get back. When I got back to my hotel room I striped and got into the shower taking a quick shower. After I felt washed I got out and dried before getting in my normal clothes and getting into bed.

" Keia, I feel like something's not right. I'm worried about some things." She looked up at me and purred before rubbing into my side and getting under the covers and curling up by my side. " Goodnight Keia."

~Next morning.~

"Look there it is Keia!" I shout jumping up and down as the famous tire swing. When the clearing came everything went haywire. This new village is bigger.

"Hey umm can you tell me where the elder lives?" I ask a lady carrying a basket. "Just down the road." I thanked her and walk down the streets. Once I got to the house I knocked and a huge man came out. "State your business." Well that is weird, so I pulled out my letter and showed him the letter I had gotten. Within a few minutes I was sitting in front of the elder.

"Welcome to out town Miss. Fair." He smiled before a man came in and gave him a bag of what sounded like money. " Miss. Fair, you will have to excuse me for doing this. They have been tormenting our village for a long time."

I had know clue what he was talking about so I made Keia shrink and get in my shirt. Then the door flew open. Having someone I hate so badly.

"Keiba." Was all I could say before something hard hit my head. " Grab her. Be gentle to our returning guest." I hear before darkness consumed me.

'Blaze. Zack. Vincent. Kegia. Help me!!'

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