Chapter Eight - My New Home

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Well Wattpad User I've been thinking about when I should do the little 5 years later thing. It's really a hard thing to think about. I want you guys to know what is going on before I do this. Be prepared to get a jump to the future in the next few chapters because I'm doing to be telling you about the things Jenn can do. Ya know her powers and all of those fun things. This is the first chapter of putting different point of views in other than Jenn's. Well I think I'm going to start the story now so ENJOY. :) By the way I know I'm making them sound like they are older then they are but that is only so you can see how they are going to act.


Recap :

In the last chapter Jenn and Zack had learned that the bullet that is in Jenn shoulder is like a death trap. You move an inch your dead. She had got the news that no one in the world would want to hear. " Your veins are intertwined with the bullet. Meaning if that bullet gets removed.." The doctor stop for a few seconds before going on. " You will die in a matter of second." On the way back to head courters Rain had told them some good news. " With all of this bad news I have some good news, your suite is done."


Story Starts:

Jenn's P.O.V.

When the car stopped I got out quickly. My head had way to much in it. I just wanted to go to bed for once. " Would you hold on? ." Rain had said. Which really surprised me that I heard her. I was trying to ignore her.

" Come on." She had started waving her hand for us to follow. We had all gotten in an elevator and Rain pushed so buttons and swiped a card. " To open your floor you have to have this card." She said.

"Oh before I forget there are two boxes on the beds. One in each of your rooms. They have some things in them you will need. It also includes a schedule of your training times and all of those types of things. A map will also be included." She seemed like she was out of breath after saying all of this.

The elevator had come to a stop and the door opened. " Welcome to your floor, Now only you guys can get in here and if anyone wants in you have to buzz them in." With this she said her goodbyes and left us alone.

I left Zack to find my room. All I wanted right now was to be alone. Also to look at this box on my bed that Rain told us about.

I turned to this door and opened it leading to a small hall with two doors. I opened it up to see Zack's room. " Hey Zack this one is yours." I go back down the hall yelling loud enough so he could hear me. " I'm hungry do you want to go down and find some things, plus I cheeked the kitchen and there is nothing in it." Zack said in one sentence. " By the way Happy Birthday little sister!" He says while squeezing me in a hug.

After he let me go I went to another door , opened it and went down the hall to find it looked similar to the other hall. I open the one on the left first to find a big bathroom. When I opened the other door it lead to my bedroom. It was very big. On the papers I put that I didn't want pink at all or purple. I scanned the room for these to colors only to be happy because I didn't find them.

My room consisted of a huge bed with green sheets. My walls were a tan kind of color. In one corner of the room was a large desk with three cabinet spaces for my things, and a tablet. On the wall where the door was, was a flat screen TV. Beside my bed was a cabinet fool of bottles of blood. Straight across from my bed was another door that lead to my walk-in closet. By the door was a little house thing for Keia . It had he name painted on the wall above it. On the other side of the room was a window seat with green cushions and two pillows.

The designs I asked for were similar to my room back home. I wanted to try to be as comfortable as possible. Keia jumped out of my jacket and landed on the floor. She started to roam the room. Then she went into her little house thing. She quickly came out and transformed back to her normal size.

As for me I put my bag on my bed and headed over towards the cabinet full of  bottles of blood. I opened it and took one bottle out and drank a little.

Zack's P.O.V.

Jenn walked towards another hall to find her room. I'm guessing that she found it because she didn't come back. I walked into my room.

My bed was huge. It had blue sheets and many pillows on it. Beside of it was a night stand on each side. The night stand had one drawer and one big cabinet. Across from my bed was the Walk-in closet. In the corner of the room was a big desk with three cabinets on each side. On the desk was a laptop .On the wall beside the door was a big flat screen TV. On the other side of the room was a huge two door window.

I walked in my room only to sit my two bags on the bed, look at the box on my bed for a map, found the lunch room,and headed for Jenn's room.

I found her sitting on the window seat staring out into the clouds. " Your room looks like the one you had at home." I say sitting on her bed. " Yeah. I like this way. It makes me feel like I'm home." she says without looking at me. " Let's go get something to eat." I say. All she does is nod her head yes and gets up.

We went to the table by the elevator where we decided to leave all of our keys and etc.  and grabbed one of the cards and our ID cards. I then pushed the down button and waited for the elevator. When it finally go there we got in and headed to Floor 4. This floor was the whole Lunch room. They had many places to choose from.

Jenn just got some noodles and mashed potato's and here blood that she brought down here. For me I mostly got the same thing but some meat, NO BLOOD. We ate and then went back to our floor. Jenn just headed for her room. " I'm going to unpack and then go to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Brother."

I really had the same idea. I went to my room to unpack as well. When I had got in my room I shut the door and started to go though my things. I had put pictures that I had up on the walls, book and papers on the desk. My clothes I folded or hung them up in my closet. I then went to the bathroom with one bag in my hand. I put my toothbrush in the holder on the counter. I put my comb and other things in the two drawers on the side.

After I finished un packing I went to strip down into my boxers turned out the lights and crawled into my new bed.

Jenn's P.O.V.

I went into my room and started unpacking. Memories came back to me as I went though the pictures my mother had put in here. Many were with my best friend Neia. I missed her a lot.

When I was done looking at them I hung them up on the wall. I went back to my bag and unpacked my other belongings.

I then went to the bathroom before I came back and got into my favorite shirt my father had gave me to sleep in. I turn on my nightlight that I found in my bag and turned out the big light.

I quickly fell asleep.


Shishikibobs Note's ^_^

Well what do you all think of this chapter. Mostly what do you think of the P.O.V's. It took me awhile to think of some things but it all worked out. Thanks for reading. Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Goodnight for where ever you are today! Happy Spring.

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