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"𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄, 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐒, 𝐓𝐎 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐀𝐘, a matchup between your Giants and the visiting Swallows." The commentator exclaimed into the microphone as the crowd chanted indistinctly. Jun and Kumiko made their way into the front row section. Once finding two empty seats next to each other, they both sat next down. Jun lifted up her sunglasses when she saw no one looking at her, they were too busy chanting and cheering for the baseball teams.

Her assistant noticed her doing that and sighed, "Ms. Hamada, you need to keep your sunglasses on. Someone might notice." She reminded as she crossed her leg over the other one. Jun softly chuckled, "Yeah, you're right. But, until the crowd begins to get crazy, I'll put them back on." She smiled as she turned back to look at the baseball field. Kumiko only sighed again and turned back to face the front.

"You can feel the electricity in the air. 42,000 fans here tonight, a capacity crowd waiting to get their first look at Ken Sato, anxious to see what he can bring to this Giants team." Ken was walking down a dim lighted hallway, turning on his left to enter the dugout. He walked up the steps of the stairs that led the way outside.

A baseball player noticed the all-star athlete and beamed excitedly, "I can't believe it's my first game with Ken Sato—" He stopped his sentence abruptly when Ken placed a baseball card with himself on it onto his hand. "That's worth a lot on eBay, rook." The athlete interrupted, walking towards his coach as he puts on his batting helmet.

Ken smirked and placed a hand on Coach Shimura's back, who had a frown plastered on his face. "Hey, come on, smile. I'm about to make you look really good." He whispered huskily as Shimura only gives him a look in response. Ken patted his back and ran onto the field.

"...rightfielder Ken Sato!" The crowd erupted with roars of cheers as they saw the baseball star run into the field, Jun instantly slipping her sunglasses back on then started cheering. Ken scanned the crowd as he grabbed his bat from a boy, throwing over it over his shoulder as his other hand grabbed onto the bottom of it.

Once he noticed Jun standing in the crowd cheering for him, he threw a wink her way. The karate athlete noticed this and giggled, heat rising in her cheeks as she waved at him. Ken grinned at her before grimacing in pain, wincing as he rolled his shoulder to ease the pain now occurring in his rotator cuff. 

He walked to homebase, hitting his bat on the dirt before aiming it straight as he got into his batting stance. When he did that, he grunted in pain slightly. The baseball catcher chuckled at the black hair male, "Oh, Kenny. It's a shame about that shoulder!" The man ignored him as he tightly gripped onto his bat.  "Ooh! Just breaks my heart." The catcher continued to tease, anger slightly rising inside of Ken as he growled.

The pitcher gets ready to throw the ball, bringing his knee up as he chucked it at Ken. The man tried to swing his bat, but instantly stopped once he started experiencing more pain in his shoulder. The catcher caught the ball easily, making the umpire lift a finger up. "Strike one!" He exclaimed as the all-star player groane, "Come on. Seriously?" He irritatedly shouted at the umpire.

"I guess 'legends' are human too." The man joked as Ken gave him a dirty look. The catcher threw the ball back at the pitcher, Ken digging his foot into the dirt slightly. "You got this, Kenny!" Jun cheered from the crowd, her best friend hearing her loud and clear as he sighed. The black hair player got back into stance, more determined this time after hearing Jun give him some encouragement.

The pitcher caught the ball, getting ready throw it. He brought his knee up and propelled the ball forward. Ken swung his bat quickly, missing as the man who was teasing him caught it again. The black hair man grunted in pain as he stuck his bat under his arm, messaging his bad shoulder with a pained expression on his face. 

"Strike two!" The umpire called as the catcher threw back the ball. Jun felt anxiety rising up in her body as Kumiko was slightly worried.  Ken continued to roll his shoulder, "If only there was a Japanese version of this guy." The all-star player grabbed his bat with his other hand and leaned towards the man offending him.

"The Japanese version's about to make you eat this bat!" He shouted back as the bigger man stood up looking straight at him, "Oh, yeah? You wanna go?" The catcher retorted. Everyone in the audience gasped at the little argument the two baseball players were having, and the umpire got inbetween them. "Hey, all right, fellas." The two continued to argue back and forth, making Jun have a worried expression on her face as she continued to watch the fight.

"Come on, now. Break it up. Break it up!" He pushed them both away. The two men gave each other one last dirty look before getting into their spots. "Bottom of the first, two strikes on Sato, and he doesn't look happy." The commentator stated. Ken then stepped over to the left side of the baseplate, getting into position. "And now it looks like Ken Sato's gonna try something new. He's gonna switch to batting right-handed!" Jun slightly widened her eyes at this change and grinned.

Ken points the bat straight, aiming it. "You know, I've never seen this in the middle of an at-bat." He puts his bat in place, gripping onto it firmly as the pitcher got ready to throw. The all-star player squints his eyes determinedly. "Come on, Kenji..." Jun mumbled, tightly gripping onto the railing in front of her.

Everybody leaned forward interestingly, watching the game intently. The pitcher threw the ball, the ball curving as it looked like it was slow-motion. Ken swung his bat and hit the ball, making a loud clacking noise echo around the dome. Everyone yelled with excitement, cheering on for the baseball player. Jun beamed, jumping as she pumped her arms up in the air, "Let's go, Kenny!" She exclaimed.

"And it's a grand slam! Sato got all of that one!" Ken ran the bases and pointed at his best friend with a proud smile on his face who smiled at him ecstaticly, cheering loudly. He continued to run the bases as Jun suddenly got an alert on her watch. She looked down at the technology, her eyes went wide. Jun slowly looked up, "Oh, no..." Kumiko confusedly glanced at her.

"Ms. Hamada, what's wrong—" The dome suddenly shook, everyone looking up and gasping. Ken halted into a stop and grunted as the arena continued to shake slightly, he looked up and noticed a helicopter on fire was hitting the dome.

Everybody's eyes followed the helicopter, it then landed outside the building, exploding loudly as Ken gasped still staring at it. The crowd ran out of their seats, screaming in fear. Jun looked at Kumiko and grabbed her shoulders, "Kumiko, I'm gonna need you to call the chauffeur and go home, okay?" The assistant's eyes were wide, her usual stoic expression now gone.

"But—Hamada, what about—"

"Kumiko! Go!" The woman exclaimed as her assistant hesitatedly walked backwards, turning around to run. Once the karate athlete saw her go, she turned to look back at Ken who was still standing there in the middle of the field. Jun sprinted from her seat, taking off her glasses and throwing them off to the side. She ran down some stairs that entered into the field, bolting towards Ken.

The baseball player shook himself from his trance, finally noticing his friend running up to him. He widened his eyes slightly, relieved she was okay. "Ken, oh, my gosh!" She jogged when she was close enough to him, almost tripping but Ken stuck out his arms, catching her. He quickly examined her features, his batting glove against her cheek. 

"Are you okay?" Ken asked as he continued to scan for wounds or scratches. Jun nodded as she grabbed his hand, taking it off her cheek. "I'm fine, Ken, are you?" She asked worryingly, the baseball player nodded. A huge roar then erupted from outside, making the two instantly look up from each other. Jun gasped as both their eyes widened, "Is that..." She trailed off.


𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑 ☆ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐈 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐎Where stories live. Discover now