The Wendigo

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Blake: (Well shit this is going to be a pain to deal with)

The beast roars at him and rushes towards him with a hungry look on his face

It swings its big claw but Blake quickly sum,one Gilgamesh and blocks the attack before responding with his own strike to the beasts gut sending it back

Blake: (So from what I remember a wendigo is a beast that was once a human, but that human was overcome by greed not wanting to spend any of his money so they resorted too canabalism after years of doing this they where no longer human, they where a monster, with claws that can shred throguh anything, a powerful bite and finally two massive antlers)

But while he was thinking the beast was already in his face he quickly summoned playful cloud and sent it back again

Blake: (well how was this thing supposed to be killed again) 'he doesn't think too much' He just summons Gilgamesh again and rushes the beast

The two have a relentless slug fest both theme getting hits off on each other, going at unbelievably high speeds charging around the mansion destroying everything

Blake lands a lightning powered punch too the head but the monster jist takes it and stabs Blake through the arm with his antlers

He jumps away and rushes again

Blake: (So lightning isn't effective against this guy, we'll then I guess I'll have to keep trying and see what works!)

He jumps and summons playful cloud and strikes it so cross the face and sending it flying into a wall

He lands and takes another stance waiting too see what it does

The wendigo removes itself from the wall and at high speeds has a claw to Blake's face

The boy narrowly dodges it and responds by calling out his bone scythe and stirking it with the back of it and the wendigo goes flying again even further

Blake: hmm I think this'll work just fine

He takes a stance with the scythe over his shoulder and basically tells the beats to come and get him

While Blake is dodging he thinks about how these things where killed in the past

Blake: no it wasn't lightning, it could've been ice but I don't think so, crushing them with earth that's a no, water, no, hmm

He keeps on dodging and swatting the beast's claws away, thinking about how he could kill this thing

Blake: (it supposed to be a forest demon, so I guess fire would work, yeah that's it fire, but I need to get the right opening)

He jumps back and grips his scythe

The beast rushes towards them and the two clash over and over again the beast is pushing Blake back dude to it's insane strength but can't land a hit and it's getting frustrated

Blake: (that's it this beast is driven solely by hunger, it no longer has an intelligence it just wants too eat) ok that's the plan

The two continue battling neither one of them letting us for even a second until they are finally in a huge room, everything around them is destroyed

Blake is breathing heavily and he grits his teeth

Blake: (dammit the beast isn't even that strong, this is nothing compared to that dragon I fought before, so I will not lose too something so pathetic)

The wendigo jumped at Blake ready too kill him

But Blake gripped his scythe and Ignited it covering it in fire and using a lot of his strength he sliced the beast in two and it fell to the ground dead and in half

Blake breathed heavily and fell too one knee

Blake: (better get out of here before anyone comes to investigate)

That's when he suddenly senses something and ducks and that something creates a huge gash in the wall

??: oh so you dodged it, nice reflexes

Blake gritted his teeth and turned around

Blake: who the hell are you?

??: Well I've gone by many names over the years, but there is one of particularly fond of

??: Well I've gone by many names over the years, but there is one of particularly fond of

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Blake: and what do you want

Gyutaro: I was on a mission from Dracula, he could sense that lord guy was about to become a demon so he wanted him said he had the potential to replace the big dragon guy you killed but it seems he's already dead

Blake: I'm sensing a but

Gyutaro: I can't return too Dracula with nothing to show for it, but 'he licks his lips again' your head will satisfy him

Blake: any chance I can do a sick day on that fight

But gyuatro doesn't even answer and before Blake can even react the demon is in his face with a sickle in his hand

And that's a wrap

Ooh tense ending 

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